What is happening to me! D:

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well i finally got around to updating! :D enjoy!


           Suddenly I was sitting straight up in my bed. My heart was pounding rapidly against my chest. My breathing was coming out fast and heavy.

What the hell?! Was I just dreaming? What the hell happened last night?! 

All these thoughts were racing through my head. I quickly checked around my surroundings. I seemed to be in my room,and there was no sign of Jayy anywhere... 

I flopped back down on my bed,a sigh of realif escaping my lips. I don't know what I would do if that were to of ever happened. I closed my eyes, sleepyness over taking my body. I was almost a sleep when my phone started to ring. I graoned, feeling around for my phone. MY hand seemed to flop around as I searched for my phone,but soon I found it. I sleeply pressed answer.


Gah! Why did my voice have to said all strained and scratchy.

"Stacey! I been so worried about you! Where the hell are you?!" Jayy's voice was filled with worry is stress, as if he spent all night searching for me. A sudden feeling of saddness overwhlemed me. 

"Jayy..." But I couldn't bring myself to say anything else. I felt so horrible to of have troubled him. 

" Stacey, please tell me where you are!" He's voice was traced with egarness. It broke my heart a little more.

"I'm at home.." God! How could I say that so emotionlessly! 

" Oh thank god! I'll be there in a second!" Before I could reply, he hung up. I sighed,before putting down my phone and cruling up into a ball. I could feel my deppression coming, put i pushed it back. 

For the next five minutes I stayed in the same position,not moving once until a knock sounded from my door. I got up slowly,walking to my bedroom door. Right when I opened it, Jayy engulfed me in a hug. I let out a little startle of surprize, as I clutched to his shirt so I wouldn't fall.He's arms squeezed me tight,and his hot breath trickled down my neck.

" I was so worried about you...I thought someone took you.." He squeezed me tighter as he said this. I wraped my arms around him and held him tight. I felt horrible to have made him worry.

" But i'm fine now,so it's no big deal." I pulled away from him a little so I could see his face. He stared into my eyes intently,making my heart feel werid.

What the hell?!

"Stacey...I can't imagine ever being without you..." My heart started pounding as Jayy leaned closer.

What the hell is happening to me?! 

He kept leaning in more and more.

Hell! What am I suppose to do?! Does he want to kiss me?! Shit! i'm confused! 

If I kissed him would our friendship grow awkward?! Will we start to fade from each other's life? God! I'm so confused! 

I was pulled from my thoughts as his lips carressed mine. MY heart started to pound even faster than before. MY stomach felt all quesy and weird. OHMYGOD! I think im dying! 

Don't be riduculus Stacey! Your not dying! Than  what the hell am I felling than?!

Suddenly, I felt his lips press against mine. The kiss started out slow, as if unsure what to do, But soon our lips started to move in sync with one another. Not in a French-Kissing-Makeout-session,but a slow sweet kiss that a couple in love would kiss. Wait?! Did I just refere to me and Jayy as a couple in love?! What the hell?!

But, I can't deny that the tingles running through my body and his hands tangled in my hair did feel amazing.I wanted to stop,because I was afarid about what will happen to our friendship,but I just couldn't. I had a more greated urge to keep kissing him. 

I was about to deepen the kiss when I heard the front door open.

" Honey! Your dad's home!"




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2012 ⏰

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