Coming Home

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So yeah the cruise ended we said goodbye exchanged facebook names, Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr, Emails basically we weren't ready to leave. But nothing much changed except your kisses weren't there anymore your hugs drifted kilometers away and your freshly sprayed calvin spray faded to nothing but most of all ill faded waking up at home walking upstairs boiling the kettle reaching for the coffee jar and closing my eyes and for the 5 remember they were closed I saw your eyes close to mine your body so near i remember smelling your fresh coffee right next to my milky ice coffee. I'll tell you the truth i was remember shocked on how it affected me so fast. But to let you go after having you by my side that's when it changed big time. We went back to our lived a text here and there but your mark was in my heart and I couldn't forget it.

We had videos, photos message the lot and i was so glad i was lucky enough to spend my holiday with you. I fell for you each step of the way moment by moment day by day. As we continued with our life's you never left my mind. I knew that you loved me continued not a doubt in my mind. Our families gossiped letting everyone know you were with a girl it seemed more of a big deal though. The first days back at school were scary and lonely I wanted you by my side my one and only. I can close my eyes and still see you there laying on that sunbed wearing nothing but shorts holding you close loving your company and realizing that there is not another boy that makes me feel the way you do. 

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