Our Magical Wonderland

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A couple weeks later we met at a place, A place so beautiful we soon were back together i was back in your arms. I felt safe again. You see for years i had a whole inside of my heart a place nobody could get to i sheltered myself to keep it safe but you broke down my walls and walked strait in. My past wasn't great i grew up with a rough start but you started to heal that awful whole in my heart. I can still remember it now walking along the street you and i holding hands at the small village we called our own. Of course we did the usual thing walked strait in to a little coffee shop and yep thats right you ordered the usual but the same thing happened each time id back away so you would order and i would pay for myself as you would almost always ask if i wanted anything i would simply reply with yes i do i want you forever but the coffee i can afford that to. I payed for my coffee we waited a while we soon left the small cafe and crossed the road we sat at a table mucked around i remember stealing your phone and having you wrap your arms around me to grab it. I will never forget the sweet feeling that filled my heart at that time. After about half an hour we walked down the road, You would walk along the wall talking about everything we would talk about family, School, Friends, Coffee and of course how much i loved you. When we got to the end of the pathway we ended up at the end of the rock pool so we walked back up the stairs and remember on the grass.

I could have sworn we were on that grass for over an hour i laid there and kissed you and admired your eyes but not just that much much more. i remember you kissing me calling me your baby girl it made my heart melt and my mood change instantly. As we walked along the rocks hoping not to land in a puddle i laid at you the entire time ill be honest i was slightly stupid i mean i went from having you tell me which end of the ship was the bow and the stern. But still no matter what you loved me all the same. We walked back into the town and we went looking for subway the shop where i was addicted to i believed it made me skinny. I had you beside me every step of the way telling me i could eat what i want i believed need to loose weight. It didn't feel like it. I wanted to be perfect for you as i know any girl would kill for someone like you. You were sweet you were kind to. Each step we took i would look into your eyes i saw your your ears move your hair flick i even saw your smile. We sat down at a bench to use google maps before i looked up realising the blonde hair in both of us had come out.

The subway shop was 2 stores down i felt utterly blind. But it didn't matter we laughed it off ate lunch and that was all fine. We walked up the the shopping center and looked though the shops figuring out i no longer had $19 on a gift card, Couldn't even afford a drink. We walked back over the hill through the little town we sat beneath a old batted tree. I felt one of the leaves fall it landed against my leg i turned around and you put your arms around me once again. We talked we laughed we just sat for a while in silence i sat there staring into those deep blue eyes and realising If i jump in now i might just drown. You kissed me you hugged me you made me smile ill never forget that day. As we walked back and caught the train i said goodbye once again. I promised id see you again soon promising another week. I told you that i loved you and kissed you goodbye. I went home feeling completely full inside like my heart was happy my blood was still and your arms were there around me still. 

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