He's Sweet

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It's a new day everyone!! I just woke up and I feel very lazy. It feels like my weight is now 2374kg and I feel soulless.

There was a note on my pillow.

My Seol Na,

I have something urgent this week so I thought you could stay alone? I'll be back after a week. Mom promise!

Take care Seol Na.
ps // I wouldn't mind if you take your friend to sleep here or sleep at their house.

Oh Mom!  I never had a friend. Well, I do have one. Anyway, I washed up and get ready for school.

I locked my house and walked to my school. Well actually my school is not that far so it's great.

I walked to my class and saw Jaemin standing at the door.

" Hey Seol Na ! Good morning ~~ "

Gosh. I felt so happy that someone is wishing me a good morning.

" Good morning too! "

Heol. I'm getting too excited and I sounded like I've talked for years.

" Hey!  Finally your talking comfortably with me! I'm so happy !! OMG "

" Jaemin stop it " I said feeling shy.

I admit that I started to get friendly.
Atleast I have a friend to hang out and share my stories with.

" So Seol Na, let's eat lunch together "

Jaemin wants to eat with me? I felt like I won a lottery. Eating with a handsome guy? Would you even reject him?

Jaemin's POV

Seol Na is actually very friendly. It's just the other people who doesn't want to talk to her.

What can I do to make people know she's just a normal person who went through a lot of hardship?

Maybe I should talk to the Headmaster.

And yeah, we're having lunch together right now. She's just so cute when she eats.

I wish she is just mine.

That thought just went through my mind.

Seol Na's POV

So yeah, everyone is staring at us.

" Seol Na, don't mind them. They're just jealous " Jaemin said with his shining smile.

I nodded and continued to shove my food.

" So I thought I can send you home after school? "

" Yeah, sure ! " I replied excitedly.

" Yah!  Don't be too excited " Jaemin said while laughing.

After recess, I went back straight to my class and notice Jaemin wasn't there. Well, we didn't walked together cause he said he had something coming up.

" Everyone! The Headmaster wants everyone to go to the hall now ! "  The class monitor shouted in front of the class.

With that notice, everyone gets up and I just walked behind the other students to prevent from being bullied again.

I sat on a chair, and the chair next to me is empty. Well because no one even wants to sit beside me. Sadness hugs me again :(

" Anneonghaseyo, Na Jaemin imnida. "

HEOL. Why would Jaemin be talking on the stage?

" I want to talk about that one girl everyone hates. Kim Seol Na "

Geez! Right now everyone is staring at me and gave a dead glare. Especially the girls. Damn it!

Oh, and yeah, I only curse when I am totally mad or embarrassed.

" The way you thought about her is absolutely wrong. It always had been wrong. She's friendly but no one ever wants to talk to her so that's why she's so quiet. I thought everyone in this school is just mature but no. I really wished that people won't judge her based on her appearance anymore. You should see her from her heart. She's just a normal human being who went through a lot of things. What would you even feel if you don't have any friends ?

Lastly, I'm sorry for being a rude new student but I talked about it with the Headmaster and Headmaster is the one who wants me to make a speech about it. Thank you and please understand both me and Seol Na "

OMG. I was deeply sad and touched by Jaemin and the Headmaster. I never felt so emotional before.

Jaemin went to me and sit next to the empty chair that I mentioned earlier.

" You okay now, but it doesn't mean my job is done. I have a higher goal related to you " And Jaemin gave me a wink.

I feel like I'm falling for him.

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