Dark Is Scary

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It was night after I watched that horror movie with Jaemin. It was honestly fun but I'm still scared with the scenes from the movie.

We were drawing, singing, dancing, talking, sharing stories and cuddling, right after dinner. We sure did a lot of activities together, didn't we?

Current time; 11 PM.

I decided to sleep inside Jaemin's room on the couch. It was not easy for Jaemin to let me to sleep on the couch.

" It will hurt your back since you turn a lot! "

" I'm stronger than you and I can handle the backache "

" You're precious, I don't want you to hurt "

And I just gave him a facepalm while hearing him speaking. And due to my face, he gave up and let me sleep on the couch.

My face is the winner.

It was 11.27 PM and I'm still wide awake while Jaemin's asleep. We're quite far so I can barely watch him sleep.

It was very, very dark and I was scared. I was very mentally scared and I don't know why I can't sleep immediately like Jaemin.

Probably sleeping on the couch wasn't a good idea. Because I'm far from him and it was scary!

Seol Na, think POSITIVE! Yeah, think positive. I'm actually really positive but I'm just negative with the dark.

Current time, 11.32 PM

I'll try to sleep a bit.

I was standing on a building. A tall building. A building with 100 floors. Wow, that's too tall. I tried to gain balance but failed. Heol-

" AAAAAAAAARGH " I screamed as loud as I can and fell to the ground. Yet I fell, I still can stand before,

I get hit by a truck. A firetruck. The last thing I know I was bleeding so much until I passed out.

" OMAIGA- " I said as LOUUUUUD as I can. And it did wake Jaemin up.

" You're okay Seol Na? " Jaemin rushed to me and asked. Yes, he heard me screaming.

" Yes, Wait- No, I'm not okay " I replied, being confused with myself. Geez.

He pat me on the back and let me sleep again. He feel asleep in just 2 minutes! Like what the f- no, I shouldn't curse.

Okay, so I tried to sleep again.

I was with Jaemin on a dark street. It took me awhile to know I'm with who and where am I.

I was scared and I was standing beside Jaemin. He gave me a naughty smirk while laughing a bit.

Okay, that got me shivers.

And suddenly, I felt someone was stroking my back. I ignored it. It must be Jaemin.

But this time, I felt something fishy. I turned to Jaemin who was at my side before and I was shocked that he was G-O-N-E.

I turned to my back to see someone smiling and before I could run, he K-I-L-L-E-D me.

And again, blood everywhere. I can barely talk but I managed to scream.

" JAEMIN !!!!!!!!!! "

Shoot. My eyes we're open wide. And I had a nightmare, again.

And once again, Jaemin went close to me and asked me what's wrong.

He asked me to sleep with him. I hesitated at first but I'm SOOOOO scared so I nodded and sleep on the bed with him.

He's hugging me tight, making sure I'm safe.

Current time, 12.21 PM

Time to sleep. This is my third attempt to sleep. Gaaaah!

" You're safe with me now , sleep tight baby girl "

" Thanks oppa "

He gave me a kiss on the forehead and hugged me until I drifted to sleep.

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