girl over (bruno pov)

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We didn't talk for the whole ride until i got out and opened the door. "Come olivia" as i walk in. Then i stoped it was like i was alone again and i looked back at Olivia. She was like froze. "This place is so nice a red staircase, a big chandelier, and its not messy.

I couldnt help but laugh my ass off. She looked at me a little red. "What?" She said "Thank you" then she relized. "Your welcome"  i dont know why but that made me laugh more.

Then i stoped. I need to take care of her. "Come" i said leaveing her to go to the bathroom. She looks like wtf why we here? I grab the first aid kit and i told her to "sit down" she sits and i come close to her...really close. I didnt need to i just wanted to.

"It might hurt" i say as i dab it on her. "Ow!" She pulls away from me and i smiled. "I told ya girl" then i suddly said "hold my hand and squeeze it when it hurts" i dont know why i said that.

She does and it felt good. Then i grab her hand asked her if she wanted to eat blah blah blah all that. But i wanted her to sleep in my room. So if she ask why i say i havnt put beds in them yet.

She yells "WHAT!?!" and i jump. Wow i did not exepect that. But i need to ask her something so i sit and pat the empty space. "Can i ask you something?" She saids "yes" and i said "what happend to you.." i know she was trying to hold back her tears but some fell. "My d dad d d did s s stuff t to to me.."

Then when she calms down we fall asleep.

I wake up to a knock on the Door and i walk to it. Oh it was phil. The guy i work with. "We need to go you were late." "Give me a sec." And i shut the Door on him...haha, take a shower, get dressed, brush my teeth and hair, and then stoped.

What about Olivia? I cant just leave her and i dont want to wake her...then it hit me. Ill write a note.

Hey olivia i had to go to work...ill come back in 2 hours
By the way my name is bruno mars. Bye.

There. And i left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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