Inside The Mind

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April 24

Dear World,

I believe the light ahead is more deadly than the darkness behind me. The laughter feels like screams of children being forced to hide. I feel so open in the light. I feel revealed to the evil, to the glimmer in peoples eyes. What do they see; a little boy going home. Or a wanna be future changer (person who believes their thoughts can change the world).

How can one being make another's day become better. Asking "How was you're day?" Is doing nothing but bring forth the tears that have been put back for seconds, minutes even hours. Why can't there be silence in the entrance of ones house. They can just enjoy a nod to know that their safe and have accepted there day.

What about this name. Friends? Where did this come from why should I have to spend my days with the same people. We would do the same thing; laugh, run, play. What's so fun about that. What about when they don't even understand the pain you've been through. Every time I see friends they hurt each other with playful rumors. it wouldn't be playful if they walked home alone with a wet face.


April 25

Dear World,

Straight. Straight. Straight. What is the first thing that comes in your head when you hear this word? Straight. A smart person would say "A narrow direction". But in the real world straight is simply just a new way to describe ones sexuality. If one is not straight then it's gay. Or should I say a faggot. It's funny how people say that faggot means a bundle of sticks.

But did you know that they burn gays upon those stinks or again should I say faggot. Oh the irony in English words they make one unique word and we all have to fuck it up. Just think about it. You see words with one definition, then there the words with 3. It's because we like to make our own definition.

But for some reason, many people aren't as comfortable in the dark as I am. They seem to be scared. Of what? MONSTERS?!? More like arms creeping around me. Not really creeping, but more of a glide. Gliding arms of protection. They save me from all the pain. Physical?? NO!! Verbally and emotionally. I'm afraid of receiving the pain from those who I trust. So I sink deep in the corners of lost bodies and keep to myself.


April 26

Dear World,

What's life without love. A life with lots of singles. A life without having to find something since you were born. Having incomplete happiness. Not having hours of joyfully rubbing two hot bodies together. Nobody for me to keep to myself. No one to call my own.

But then staying single is the best. You can do whatever with whoever. There no cheating and breaking hearts. Just me and my deep thoughts planning about ways to waste weeks.


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