Ignorance Is Bliss

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For the next few days, she did everything Chase asked, she ate when she was meant to eat, answered Dr

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For the next few days, she did everything Chase asked, she ate when she was meant to eat, answered Dr. Levi's questions and was even polite to Mitch when he brought in a food tray for her.

Something had changed after that day now that Neeta was gone she could concentrate on getting better and she was getting better. It shocked her but she could now look at herself in the mirror without flinching, she changed her clothes daily and brushed her hair every morning until all the tangles that had built up became silky smooth.

Chase asked her a lot of questions. Some she could answer and some she couldn't and for some reason, she didn't mind, it didn't feel like counseling it felt like a chat that would stay between the two of them.

Levi didn't press her for information anymore, in fact no one acted like she was a prisoner, it was as if she could get up from bed anytime she wanted and walk right out of the doors, but strangely even given the chance she didn't think she would be able to bring herself to do it.

And there was one reason and one reason alone for her, Chase.

The two of them were lying under the weeping willow on Friday night when he asked her.

"Have you ever been in love?"

Taken aback was an understatement.

"Well yes actually" she replied "I had a picture of Harry Styles taped onto my wall like any other teenage girl, I thought I was in love with some guy called Cameron last year, but that was some crush type situation, and the one time I talked to him he laughed in my face"

Chase rolled onto his side and looked into her eyes, gently wiping away the tear sliding down his cheek.

"Well this Cameron sounds like an idiot," he said and she snorted.

"What about you?" she asked him.

"Nope, never I think if you love one person you love them fully or there's no point right?"

"Right" she replied

"By the way, I asked Dr. Levi" he quickly changed the subject, "I asked him whether you'd be able to leave for one evening on Prom Day, and he agreed"

"What!" she had almost forgotten that they'd had a plan, "He said yes!"

"Yep" he smiled "As long as you don't mind me being there with you"

"Mind!" she shouted "I'd love to have you there with me" she took his hand.

He squeezed her hand back "You are pretty annoying you know" she teased, this is what they did, kind of their defence mechanism when their conversations started straying in a non-friends direction they joked around.

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