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Her mother gasped and her father looked at her like every terrible thing thought he'd ever had about her had been leading to this moment of ultimate disappointment.

Before she could think, her mouth was open.

"I can explain" she said.

"Go on then Florence" his tone was flat and dubious "Explain"

She took a deep breath, tried to start and failed. Heart pounding, she took another breath and mentally counted to ten. And then in her life of hidden truths, divided words, her secrets, her wrongness, the walls she'd constructed for so long tumbled around her.

Not one little excuse came to her mind, she had nothing at all to say and even if she had she wouldn't have wanted to say it.

"I can't explain" she finally said.

Her father nodded.

 "Florence can you go to you're room please your mother and I have alot to talk through"

She weighed it up, she would never have expected her father to take all of this so well, but he seemed to be actually formulating a plan, she still felt a gnawing unease but nevertheless walked to her room.

She wedged herself up against the door, straining to hear what her parents were saying. Beside a few loud sobs from her Mother and the occasional stern use of her name by her father, they kept to hushed tones. The phone rang a few times, but even then all she could hear was her father's muffled voice, she reached up for the handle and slipped, her body weight crushing her wrist.

She shrieked in pain as pure agony made its way up her arm, she sat there curled up on the floor for what seemed like hours watching her wrist swell to a larger size by the second, she didn't want to tell her parents, they'd just think she'd hurt herself again.

It was quiet, she'd run out of theories and practise speeches.

She heard a knock on the front door, a stern knock, three-life changing thuds.

She wasn't exactly sure why but her stomach flipped and she started instinctively backing away from her bedroom door.

She hadn't even made it to her window when her father opened the door, holding it open for a man and woman to walk in, their family doctor followed.

The bed was between them.

These people were not her friends.

They were her worst nightmare.

"Florence" her father said in a low commanding voice "Florence we are trying  to help you, these nurses are her to help"

They held their hands in front of them.

She was trapped.

Her eyes darted to the door, to the bed, to the people trying to entrap her, to her window, but she was cornered.

"It's okay" her father told the man and woman dressed in uniform.

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