Chapter Three

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Mad Hats

"He took his vorpal sword in hand:

Long time the manxome foe he sought –

So rested he by the Tumtum tree

And stood a while in thought."

It took the whole night and a few hours of morning to almost reach the large hat. Jace could see it above the wilderness of the tall grass. Cheshire was bugging him about nothing.

    "The grass seems too green, and I'm not sure I've seen it as green as it is now. Tell me, Jace, what do you think?" Cheshire asked, crawling onto Jace's head and stretching himself in an attempt to reach the top of the grass. "I really think this patch of grass is quite odd."

    Jace snarled. "Cheshire, this is the millionth time you asked me that. Every time we passed by a patch of grass. And if you haven't noticed, its everywhere. Will you shut up already?"

    Cheshire feigned hurt. "Wow, if that's how you feel, then I feel obligated to honor your request." A second later, "But let me tell you, you have truly hurt my feelings."

    He groaned, wondering again why in the world he called for the purple creature? Caterpillar was a better candidate that this feline, and that was saying something. That hookah insect would've put him out of his misery with the smoke. Jace noticed a tree, and thanked the gods of Wonderland because it was the first tree he had seen since he landed in this crazy world. "Cheshire," he said, "I am going to lay down under this tree, and you will not say a single word to me as I sleep. You got that?"

    He didn't hear a word from the cat. In fact, Cheshire was nowhere to be seen. Jace let out a sigh of relief and settled underneath the shade. The short, normal grass tickled through his pants. It was soft under him as he laid down and got as comfortable as he could on the dirty ground.

    He didn't know how long he slept for, but when he woke up the sun was shining so bright that he was blinded for a few moments. Jace inhaled deeply, smelling the fresh scent of baked bread. His stomach growled, and he slowly got to his feet, following the delicious smell.

    Jace examined his surroundings, his mind cleared of fatigue. It was functioning properly now, well, as properly as it could in Wonderland. He still hadn't really gotten over the fact that he was truly here. It still amazed him.

    He stumbled into Mad Hats: The Maddest Hats in All of Wonderland! Jace pushed the door open and strolled inside, examining all the unique hats that hung on the walls. There was a workstation in the middle of the room with a black top hat sitting on top of the table.

    "Hello?" he called. "Is anyone here?" He walked around, eyeing each crazy-looking hat until someone rushed into the room, fixing their own hat, before saying, "Sorry about that. Welcome to Mad Hats: The Maddest Hats in All of Wonderland! Anything specific you're looking for, sir?"

    Jace turned around and couldn't stop staring at the beautiful girl with blazing-red hair. Her eyes were a dark brown, contrasting against his blue eyes. Her hair stopped at her shoulders, bangs ending just above her eyebrows. She smiled with her pearly white teeth, the corners of her mouth showing tiny dimples he hadn't notice before.

    "So, what will it be?" she asked, waiting patiently for a response. Behind her, he spotted the head of Cheshire, a wicked smile playing on his lips. Jace scowled at the cat as Cheshire waved, singing, "Hello, Jace, I see you finally got here."

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