Chapter Seven

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The Poem

"'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the more raths outgrabe."

Madeline tried to swallow, but she couldn't. The wood was preventing it from happening. It was rough at her throat, but the pain was masked immediately by fear. She knew that she would be able to escape it—if only she were mad. That was the plan. There was no other way for her to get through it without Mad Magic. There was just no way.

    Jace was screaming so loud that the guards had to punch his temple to shut him up. She watches as his head whips to the left, hitting the other guard's leg. It seems like the guards were struggling but determined, knowing that if they lost their hold on him, they would be the one under the guillotine.

    "Hurry it up!" the Queen shouted, barely containing her excitement. "What is taking so long?"

    Just as someone was about to answer, something large with feathers flew over the courtyard. Screams could be heard, but Madeline didn't know what was happening. She could only see things below and in front of her, not above. Then, that something lands in her line of view. Her eyes trail up from its enormous talons to the black, large beak. She didn't have to ask what it was as someone screamed, "Jabberwock! There's a Jabberwock in the courtyard!"

    Around her, she could hear everyone fleeing from the area, desperately doing their best to avoid being hunted by the monstrous creature that haunted everyone's nightmares. She had always thought the Jabberwock was an extinct species, that they were merely myths. But now, she realized that the Jabberwock was definitely real.

    Jace races toward her and set her free. He grabbed onto her forearms and pulled her away from the scene. They raced down the yard, but the Jabberwock suddenly placed itself firmly between them and the only exit. It shrieked a horrendous screech, forcing the two onto their knees with their palms against their ears.

    Cheshire appeared before Madeline, a look of panic on his face. There was no smile. "Don't forget the poem, Madeline! There's a reason I always say it whenever I see you." And without batting an eye, he was gone.

    She shook her head. They needed the Vorpal Sword, but it was nowhere to be seen. Where in the world would they find it? It most likely wouldn't have been in the castle or else someone would've grabbed it out of it's hiding place and wielded it. She eyed Jace as he crashed onto the floor, the screeching hadn't stopped.

    The Jabberwock's beak came down on them like a rocket.


Everything happened in slow motion. Madeline shook in front of him as the Jabberwock went down to attack them. Jace felt something heavy in his hat—the one Madeline made—and he pulled it off his head. He reached his hand into it, and what happened next left him shook. There seemed to be a bottomless pit in the hat. His whole arm was in the hat by the time he felt something cool touch his fingertips. He trailed the coolness until he felt a hard handle. Jace gripped it tightly before pulling it out.

    It was the most beautiful sword he had ever seen. The sword shone in the light, reflecting blinding rays from the sun. He averted his eyes and noticed that the scene in front of him was...frozen. It seemed as if Time himself had come to the rescue, allowing Jace to pull Madeline away from the bird's path.

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