Chapter 1: Getting rescued

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Annie's POV
It's been a couple months since we were kidnapped but weirdly I can't remember anything other than being here. Me Katie and Kenzie are treated like princesses but I don't think we're related but if I say anything about it they shut me down. Or I get punished by "our parents" so I don't say anything. "Mom" and "dad" went out for the weekend and there was a knock on the door all three of us went to answer the door.
I opened the door and said "hello"
"Annie Katie Kenzie its us." The people said.
"I'm sorry but do we know you"Kenzie asked.
"You really don't know me" one kid said.
"No"Kenzie said.
They looked so familiar I just couldn't remember them.
"Look I'm really sorry but we don't know you" Katie said.
"Annie talk to them ok I have to go do my homework and Kenzie doesn't want to" Katie said.
"Whateves come in" I said inviting the guests in.
"What's wrong with you guys why don't you remember us." One of them asks.
"You guys look familiar but I don't know why and I can't help but feel like they life my mom and dad tell me is true." I said.
"Well that's because it's not I'm your brother Annie it's me Caleb and I'm here to get you home your real home" the one that looks like me-Caleb- said.
"I want to believe you but I just can't I really really want to do I'll come with you but i can't promise Kenzie will come I know Katie will but Kenzie not so much." I said.
"I don't like it here anyways....." I stopped because I stood up and fell on the stairs and then I remembered who all the people were and then I woke up. And they were crowded around me.
"I remember" I said and everyone gave me weird looks.

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