Chapter 4: The Ex best friend and the sleepover

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As I left the house and walked over to Katie's I was met with Hayden we grabbed hands and walked to Katie's we waited a minute and Katie and Brennan came out with backpacks and we all walked to Kenzie's. When we got their we saw Syd Jojo Jayden Caleb Carson Johnny Arden and Mia. We knocked on the door. When it opened Kenzie and someone else was there.
"Hi guys come in I have a new friend her names Liv." Kenzie's said then she stepped out of the way and Liv was there.
"Well well well what do we have here the ex besties" Liv said. She then glared at me and Katie.
"Well well well if it isn't the lair" Katie mocked Liv. We glared back.
"Ok well nice to see you Liv how's life been" Caleb said steeping in front of me.
"It's been nice until they showed up" Liv said.
I was gonna glare back until I got a text from the group chat (😜-Annie 😍-Hayden 😎-Katie 🤓-Caleb 😝-Kenzie 🦄- Jojo 🍉-Syd 🤸🏻‍♀️-Arden 🎤-Johnny 🎧-Jayden 🍯- Carson)

😍-What's up with Katie Annie and Liv
🤓- It's a long story... Long story short they were besties until Liv lied to everyone. Sorry Ans and Katie.
😜+😎- its fine.....
🦄- No it's not keep them away from each other.
After the text convo-
"So who wants to play a game." Kenzie asked we all nodded and sat in a circle.
"What game we playing?" Caleb asked.
"It's a get to know you game" Kenzie replied.
"Ok I'll ask a question first and everyone answers" Kenzie added.
"Who here have you known the longest other than a sibling" Kenzie asked.
" ugh why this question" I complained.
"Just answer" Hayden said annoyed I looked at him with the really look
"Come on please" he looked at me with puppy dog eyes. How can I say no to that face.
"Aww Annie finally has a boyfriend" Liv mocked.
"Aww Liv's jealous of Annie" Katie said mocking her I sent Katie a thank you look.
"Olivia leave my sister alone" Caleb said.
"I think I'm just gonna go home I'm obviously not wanted hear by someone and I honestly don't want to be near them after what happened wouldn't want another lie to get out now would we" I said standing up and then kissed Caleb on the cheek Katie decided to leave to and Hayden and Caleb walked us home I was walking with Hayden when he asked me "What was the lie anyway"
"It was stupid but I told her not to tell anyone and she told everyone but she told it as a lie because she changed the story" when we approached our houses Katie climbed through my window and we had a sleepover. It was like 3:30 am when something hit my window. We got up and saw all of our friends with our Liv and they all climbed into the window.
"We didn't want you guys to feel left out because of one person so we told Liv to leave and came over here anyways we wanted to all be together before we separate and not see each other" Kenzie said then the fun began we had pillow fight ate snacks watched movies and eventually we all fell asleep on each other.

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