Chapter 2: Offically together

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"What?" They all asked at the same time.
"I said I remember" I said in a sarcastic tone.
"Remember what exactly?" Kenzie asked not really caring.
"I remember my life every part of it." I said.
"Me too" Katie finally said making us all look at her.
After hours of convincing Kenzie finally agreed to go with us. We all got our things and got in the car. My parents made us go to the hospital to get checked out. I fell asleep and when I woke up Hayden was next to me. I accidentally moved which woke him up.
"Hi" he said which made me giggle.
"Hey" I giggled.
"I know you just got back but not seeing you everyday made me go insane so would you like to be my girlfriend." He said nervously
"Hmmm let me think.... YES" I told him he got up and hugged me.
"I already asked your parents, Caleb and your best friend their all ok with it" he said into my hair.
"Wow you went all out didn't you" I asked him laughing.
"Well I really wanted to be able to do this again" he said then he kissed me.
"Wow" I said.
"Annie bananie is awake" Mom said rushing in.
"Hi Mommy" I said
"I have something for you" Daddy said then he pulled out my blankie.
"My blankie!" I said reaching my hand up like a baby would when they want to be picked up.
"Annie!"Katie Shrieked running in " everyone out!" She said and everyone rushed out.
"Me and Hayden are dating" I said really fast.
"Really well don't be mad but" Katie started but I cut her off by saying
"You and Caleb are dating"
"How did you know?" She asked
"One your my best friend I know when you like a boy and I saw how one he was making googley eyes and two you were holding hands" I said. We talked for a while then we fell asleep on each other kinda like

 We talked for a while then we fell asleep on each other kinda like

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Chasing your dreams *sequel to L.A. Love* Where stories live. Discover now