Chapter 4

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The air smelled like cat turd and old lady. It looked as if I had gone back in time 50 or so years, everything was ancient. It looked just as a grandma's house would look.
Except for the rusty cage in the corner.
"Welcome to your new home!" she exclaimed.
She wrapped her vice like hand around my wrist and pulled me too the cage. "I'm not up to date on my tetanus shots," I mutter, trying desperately to get away from the cage. With a surprising amount of strength, she pushed me in and slammed the door shut. A loud 'Clang' rang out, showing that the door was successfully locked.
I felt myself hyperventilating as I looked around at my new surroundings.
She pulled up a chair (at least 40 years old, I might add) and plopped herself down.
She smiled at me, and it was the most cruel thing I'd ever seen.
"Let me explain to you your purpose. You do exactly as I say, girl, or there will be consequences. Like death." Okay so do exactly what the creepy old lady says, got it. I wrap my hands around the bars so tight that I could tell they were losing circulation.
"But what do you need me for?" I ask, trying my hardest not to cry.
She leaned her head back, releasing a humorless cackle.
"I am going to make you the most powerful being of all time. You'll be fully and completely under my control. Utterly powerless to anything but my commands."
"What will you make me do?" I whisper, fearing her response.
"Destroy anyone who stands in my way. I will rule the world. All with your help, of course. You will be my weapon of mass destruction."
"I'm only 13." My eyes filled with tears that I refused to let spill.
"The perfect age to begin the Procedure. Enough talk, tomorrow we will begin!" With a dramatic flourish, she retreated to what I supposed is her room and slammed the door.
I looked around at the cage, barely big enough for me to stand in. There was a small blanket and a pillow on the cold ground. I backed up against the wall of the cage and rubbed my heart locket, wishing my family were still alive.
The sky grew dark. I couldn't decide if I should've been happy that the lady saved me from the gang, or sad. At least the gang wouldn't do "Procedures" on me. Whatever that meant.
I shivered and pulled the blanket over me, preparing for the long night ahead.

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