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“It’s time to call Alice,” I said as we followed James’ trail through the West Vancouver ferry terminal and outside to a nearby taxi stand. As discouraged as I felt, I was still anxious to check on Bella. The thought of talking to her lifted my spirits.

“Let’s look for James at the airport first. If we locate him, then we’ll have a little more information to share,” Carlisle suggested. He was right. We hired a cab to take us to the airport Hilton where Emmett ditched the duffle in a large waste bin. We knew the camping gear would set off the metal detectors at the airport and we preferred to avoid scrutiny whenever possible.

When we entered the airport terminal, we located the check–in area for U.S.–bound passengers and paced the vicinity looking for signs of James. We found his scent there, but it was hard to tell how new it was or where it led, since there was so much olfactory interference from the hundreds of people who passed through the terminal each day. We could only assume that he was flying back to Seattle, and then running to Forks to start over with his search for Bella.

While Carlisle dialed Alice’s cell phone, Emmett went to the departures board to find the next flight to Seattle.

“Hello, Alice.”


“Is Bella with you? Is she okay?”


“We’ve lost James. Victoria joined him up north, possibly gave him some information, and they ran. We think he’s boarded a plane, probably to Seattle. Can you give us any more information?”

“I just saw him. He’s in a dark room running a tape on a VCR and watching and waiting. Later, he’ll go to a bigger room full of mirrors with some kind of gold band around the center and a light wood floor. There’s a VCR, TV, and stereo on a black table. I don’t know where it is, but he’ll be there tonight or tomorrow. Whatever made him get on that plane…it was leading him to those rooms.”

“I see. Thank you Alice. Is Bella able to speak with Edward now?”

“Yes. Bella?” Alice called.

Carlisle held out the phone to me.

“Hello?” Bella answered.

“Bella.” I exhaled with immense relief. The pain in my chest lessened slightly. She was all right.

“Oh Edward! I was so worried.”

“Bella, I told you not to worry about anything but yourself.”

“Where are you?”

“We’re outside of Vancouver. Bella, I’m sorrywe lost him. He seems suspicious of ushe’s careful to stay just far enough away that I can’t hear what he’s thinking. But he’s gone nowit looks like he got on a plane. We think he’s heading back to Forks to start over.”

“I know. Alice saw that he got away.”

“You don’t have to worry, though,” I assured her. “He won’t find anything to lead him to you. You just have to stay there until we catch up to him again.” 

“I’ll be fine. Is Esme with Charlie?”

“Yesthe female has been in town. She went to the house while Charlie was at work. She hasn’t gone near him, so don’t be afraid. He’s safe with Esme and Rosalie watching.”

“What is she doing?”

“Probably trying to pick up the trail. She’s been all through the town during the night. Rosalie tracked her through the airport, along all the streets in town, at the school… she’s digging, Bella, but there’s nothing to find.”

Midnight Sun Part 2Where stories live. Discover now