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Chapter 1

"Please don't do it, you have so many people who love you and care about you. So please just stop!" We're the last words I said to him before he pulled the trigger killing himself instantly.

As I stare at his cold body laying lifeless in the mahogany casket memories of that night race through my mind. Maybe if I would have gotten there sooner I could have stopped him and as if his mother could read my mind she hugged me and told me "it's not your fault."

The funeral was so depressing, so many sad faces and broken hearts. Malik was one of the sweetest boys you could ever meet but he had many secrets.



"What you mean you couldn't get through to him?" I hired you because you told me you could get in touch with black"

"I know boss but his assistant said that he was busy, I promise ill get in touch with him by the end of this week." I heard the man say on the other line of Malik's call that I listened in to from the hall.

"Alright make sure you get it done" Malik said before I heard him scream " Aaliyah come here!" I waited a few minutes before coming so he wouldn't know I was already in the hall.

I had been staying with Malik for a while now and although I knew he had many secrets I still trusted him with my all.


I waited awhile after the funeral was over to go to the burial so I could have a few minutes to myself, but my time was interrupted when I heard someone clear their throat.

I turned around to be faced by one of the biggest men I've ever seen in my life. He stood around 6"8 and seemed to weigh over 350 pounds. He had dark brown skin with piercing light brown eyes and long dreads that hung to his middle back. I can't lie my heart skipped a beat when I saw him.

"Hello, I'm black" a deep husky voice said .

"H-hello" I croaked, he let out a low chuckle and extended his hand for me to shake. when I touched him a shock wave seemed to go through my body and I quickly pulled away.

"I have to go." I said and ran out of the church into the cold chilling rain. I ran to my black Audi and got in. Starting up the car I headed to the grave yard, trying to get the thoughts of the creepy man out of my head.

The burial was harder than the funeral. To see someone you love and care for dearly be put 6 feet underground is one of the hardest things ever.

I left the burial with thoughts of the man I met at the church but I couldn't remember his name no matter how hard I tried to think of it. When I arrived home I filled the tub with water and bubble bath and turned on my songza app, and went to the r&b slow jams station.

I soaked until my hands and feet were pruney and wrinkly. Then I dried off and applied some coco butter to my light brown skin, slipped on my pajamas and stood in the mirror to wrap my hair. As I stared at myself in the mirror I began to pray that I could make it without Malik.



"Aaliyah you know you can tell me anything."

"Yes, I know but I don't want you to worry about me." she replied

"I can't help but worry about you."

"Well, Ricky and I broke up again, he said he just can't deal with me and and all my problems plus he thinks I'm cheating on him."

"Really , He thinks you're cheating ?"

She nodded her head yes trying not to speak because she knew she would burst out in tears

"Why the hell would he think you're cheating when you've been with him for 3 years ? who could you possibly be cheating with?"

"You" she said before breaking down in tears

I hate that I have to be the reason for all of this but I truthfully don't think he's good enough for her.


The next morning I woke up to the sound if someone banging on my front door. When I got to the door I saw that it was a police officer.

"Hello, I'm officer wright I would like to ask you a few questions about the death of Malik Green"

"Uh ok come in, take a seat"

"Alrighty first off sorry for your lost, we have in our earlier reports that you were very close to Mr.Green."

"Yes, he was very close to me. He was like a brother."

"Do you have any idea why he would want to kill himself?"

"No, I have no idea why he would do this, he was the type to think that suicide is stupid and he never understood why people did it."

"Well why would he kill himself then ? do you know of anyone who may be after him?"

"No, I can't think of anyone that would want to hurt him."

"Ok, well due to the lack of information were going to have to close the case."

"Seriously, how can you close the case when someone is dead?"

"It was suicide ma'am there is nothing we can do I'm sorry but that's just the way it is."

"Ok, well how about you get out of my house."

He made his way to the door before turning back and simply saying "sorry" before leaving.

If the police don't want to get to the bottom of this then I'll just have to do things myself.

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