New Fantribe! Honeywings! (CLOSED species)

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  Honeywings were originally Rainwings. Yes. They were the workers of the tribe, making things like the vine tree houses and sun time platforms. They made the list of names for the rest of the tribe to cycle through. And then, one by one, the Rainwings got lazier and lazier. The (paranoid) hard workers, who had enjoyed doing things instead of just sitting around n the sun left. In secret, on their own, telling no others. They travelled deep into the rainforest, much much farther than any other dragon.
Or should I say, almost any other dragon. One lone animus (of which tribe remains unknown, they only saw the bones left behind. No body.) had made it to one beautifully shimmering lake. Being tired and a little grumpy from lack of a nap, the group settled down into the water. Of course, it wasn't normal water. Heck, nothing can ever be just normal anything with these paranoid dragons. Nonetheless, they stopped and drank the water. The magic water. It assumed the form of a fellow dragon and asked the groups st wanted wish. One of the, let's say dumber dragons shouted, "To be as busy as bees!"
And then the water made it so. The tribe gained attributes of the fore mentioned insects, buzzing around happily building nonstop until they had an entire city! It was a beautiful, spires of Amber colored rock surrounding the lake. Finally they realized their new appearances. There was an added poisonous barb (which actually wasn't poison, it wiped memories), hexagonal scales, their wings were glossy and translucent with faint bee wings patterns, curvy horns, a ring of fuzz around their necks, a set of pincers dripping nectar (that's going to be important later), and various bits and bobs that made them even more bee-like. They enjoyed their new appearance, and renamed everything. Their tribe was now called the Honeywings ((because idk what else to call them)), and their new names they gave themselves took after bees, honey, and flowers. Ex: Nectar, Gossamer, Pollen, Amber, Hive, Honeycomb, and so on and so forth.

One Honeywing wanted to leave to tell their former tribe the Rainwings about how they were transformed. As soon as she reached the outer rim of the city, however, she was stopped by the magicked water dragon. The water had been the animus's last attempt to cause some destruction, their soul already gone. The water was enchanted to be like an Artificial intelligence, keeping any who strayed inside the boundaries inside. Never to leave and see the outside again. The happy part of the magic wanted the dragons to at least be happy, hence the wish granted. Now the Honeywings would be forced to live, secluded inside of their majestic city, lead by their queens. The first Queen thought to have some fun and call herself Queen Bee. The current queen is Queen Ambrosia, with her son Prince Bumblebee and her two daughters: Princess Wasp and Princess Stinger.
The colors of the Honeywings range from amber to dark brown to golden yellow, and some rare dragons have retained some scale color changing capabilities. The Royal Honeywings are marked by the patterns on their fur ruffs. You'll see in a moment, the current queen looks like this:

Forgot to mention, their pincers that make the special nectar? It's magic nectar, that the magic embodiment of water uses to continue to live. It's runs off of magic itself, and needed a new source.

Also, Honeywings are a CLOSED species. You can only get one if you do one of the following
- win in an egg raffle
- adoptables
- prize for contest
- if you ask really really nicely and give me a cookie. And maybe a week or two to do it :3  

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