Life's light

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Twelve years of age
I leaned against the mother tree, half asleep when an urgent feeling past over me. I frowned for a bit, it wasn't often that the mother tree would want to save someone. I shrugged, if the mother tree doesn't want me to  know then I don't need to know.

I closed my eyes, held my breath and removed all thoughts from my mind. What followed was a rushing sensation, and something moist. The first thing I noticed was the stench of blood. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was on a field of flowers, just outside a forest. 

I spotted the ebony haired man the mother tree wanted me to heal. I immediately headed towards him, I could feel his life force seeping out a lot of his wounds, but mostly the one on his abdomen. I gently flipped him over so that his face faced the sky.

My eyes widened for a moment, although young he had that mature look. High cheek bones, long eyelashes, straight nose, thin lips, though there was still a bit of baby fat, when he grows up he would surely resemble a god.

I shook my head, I had to focus on my task. I gently lifted out his shirt, and took out some yarrow. With my eyes closed, I concentrated on taking the essence of the yarrow, mixing it with a small bit of my mana to speed up the healing process and guided it towards his many wounds.

Footsteps suddenly came and disrupted my concentration. A presences of warmth and comfort and small hints of arrogance came with it, I eyes snapped open. 'The heroine!' I thought, I clenched my jaw, as much as I disliked leaving him like this, I disliked the idea of me meeting the heroine at the moment much more.

Well, it all that was left was the wound on his abdomen and that would most likely heal itself, though it might leave a scar. I closed my eyes and let the mother tree absorb me.

??? POV
I was surrounded by darkness on all sides, and was being led towards a dark abyss. 'It's seems like my time is up' I thought, I would have laughed if I could but none of my limbs would respond. How foolish I was, to actually fall into the trap created by my step-brother.

A soft faint glow suddenly appeared in front of me, seeming to break the restraints on my body. I tried to discern what the light was, but all I got was a faint outline of what seemed like a girl. All other detail was bury. Then the figure started to slowly move away, and motioned me to follow her.

The darkness seemed to lighten up when suddenly the figure dissipated. I started panicking.

My eyes snapped open and I smelt the lingering scent of lavender. A girl with long pink hair and closed eyes was closing in on my face. I frowned, she wasn't the one who healed me, although they have a similar aura, this one had arrogance while the other had distrust. 

"Move," I commanded her. Her eyes snapped open, which revealed the color of sky blue. Taking advantage of me while I'm unconscious I see. How shameless.

It seemed to take a moment before my words entered that small brain of hers. Her eyes widened and started to water, I frowned even more. Great, she was a cry baby as well, how useless.


"Are you deaf? I told you to move!" I said, releasing a sliver of my blood lust. That seemed to frighten her as she shrunk back in fear. How weak.

"B-but I-I s-saved you," she stuttered out.

I glared at her, she dared lie to me. I should cut her tongue out, then well see if she would still lie to me. But first....

"Who was here before you?"

"N-nobody, I didn't see anyone b-before I came here."

"Maybe you'll remember if I gouge your eyes out," I threatened. She turned pale.

"Y-you can't! I-I have l-light magick!"

Heroine's POV (before he wakes up)
'He should be somewhere around here......' I thought to myself. I then saw the flower field, and the man near the edge of the forest. 

'There!' I rushed towards the man and knelt beside him. I sighed in joy, he's even more handsome in real life. Those long eyelashes, the kissable lips.....

I unconsciously leaned towards him-

"Move," an weak, yet overbearing voice sounded out. My eyes snapped open, he was awake!

Then my brain registered what he had said, move. Maybe my feminine charms weren't enough? I felt my tears start to tear up, but no one has been able to resist me yet! How? Maybe he'll be softer if I tell him that I healed him, if I remember in the game he was seriously injured. I took a small glance at his abdomen, and to my surprise it was halfway healed already.

"B-but-" 'I was supposed to heal him' I thought. No matter, I can still take credit.

"Are you deaf? I told you to move!" he commanded and a tyrannical pressure was placed on me, coupled with the blood lust. I shivered despite myself and shrunk back in fear.

"B-but I-I s-saved yo-you," I stuttered out. The pressure was really overwhelming, then I felt his cold gaze.

"Who was here before you?" he asked, withdrawing a bit of the blood lust. I felt a small bit of relief.

"N-nobody, I didn't see anyone b-before I came here," I truthfully told him, gaining a better control of my speech.

"Maybe you'll remember if I gouge your eyes out," he threatened. W-what! Gouge my beautiful eyes out! I would look disgusting! How would I be able to charm the other capturable targets without them?

"Y-you can't! I-I have light magick!"  I blurted out. How would he possible kill someone with light magick, a girl none the least. He wouldn't dare... right?

"Then get out of my sight! Next time I see you I will kill you," he said in such a commanding tone that my body moved without my consent and the next thing I know I was running.

When I reached my estate, I burst into tears. What was this? This wasn't how it was supposed to go... he was supposed to be thankful that I saved him and, and.... fall in love with me......

This is all that persons fault! If that person hadn't healed him before I came, he would've fallen in love with me for sure! If I ever meet that person I will get revenge!

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