Chapter 3

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 A few days Later

They had stopped in a village somewhere in the south. You heard me right, south, away from the demon king. It wasn't that hard to trick Raven. After all, he had no sense of direction whatsoever.

Of course, the village was also where they met up with her.

'What the frick is she doing here? Isn't she supposed to be far away? Like in another dimension or something?' Lyre shouted in his head.

To make matters worse, she approached him and asked with a hint of an accent, "You're the Hawk."

"Wrong person," Lyre responded slowly, internally screaming.

"Lyre," she said with such certainty that even if she was wrong, you would still think that she was right. Of course, that certainty could just be mistaken for authority. The kind of authority you get when someone wants to boss you around. And so Lyre pretended that she just misunderstood and said,

"I don't have a Lyre, maybe one of the stalls do."

And like that, Lyre could've safely walked away. Of course, Raven had to come in and cause trouble.

"Hey Lyre! She's the woman who defeated you isn't she?" Raven said, confirming the woman's suspicions.

He continued to walk, pretending as if he didn't hear anything. If only that ever worked, if it did then he probably could've gotten away with a lot of scoldings in her past life.

"I am sorry for my very rude companion, he's probably still pissed at losing," Raven said in an apologetic manner, trying to antagonize Lyre. As he wasn't trying his best to act, it was very easy to spot the glee in his eyes for causing unwanted trouble.

"You're the Raven," the woman said in response. Only the gods would ever figure out how she figured all this out. Then again, with her luck, it wasn't that surprising.

"Dunno about The Raven, but my name is Raven."

"They say that you know everything."

"Oooh, nice tongue you got there little miss," Raven said, obviously flattered.

"Little miss yourself, you barely any older than her," Lyre responded with an annoyed expression. 'He' dragged him away before he could start selling information about 'him'.

"For all you know I'm 30!"

"Then your a pedophile."

"I'm as much as a peophile as any normal man out there!"

"Every man's attracted to younger women, so their all pedophiles. Which makes you a pedophile."

"Aren't you a man though? So that means you're calling yourself a peophile!" Raven smiled gleefully.

"Who says I'm a man, last time I checked I was still a boy, not a man."

(Okay, so a pedophile might mean a person who is sexualy attracted to children. But let's face it, if an 80 year old person was attracted to a 30 year old person, we'd still call that person a pedophile.)


(???) POV
The sounds of fighting filled the air and the smell of blood killed the warm scent of baking bread.

I had experienced death before, so I'm not exactly scared. But I am unwilling, very unwilling. I have lived life stuck in this mansion. I want to see that outside world no matter how dangerous it is. I want to die happy and content, not like this. Not when I haven't even met anyone other than the maids and butlers that work in this empty shell.

Perhaps because the intruders never thought that anyone would be living in this dark, dusty part of the mansion, I never heard the banging of the door.

Soon the shouting stopped, all that was left was the metallic smell. The smell that I had gotten so used to in this past few minutes that I couldn't even smell a trace of it.

Then I wondered, should I go out or should I not? If I step out, will I get killed? Of course, there was another choice, the hidden passages that the servants used. But what if I got lost? I would surely starve and die. It would be a shame if my adventure ended the moment it started.

Why I was so calm at the moment? It can only be because of the false sense of safety. The false promise that as long as I stay in this room, I would stay forever safe.

But even if I don't do anything and just stay in this room, I will still starve and die....

Therefor I had to make a choice.... My heart pounded as i reached for the door. I knew the mansion like the back of my hand. The hidden passageways may not be the safest choice. If they did in fact discover it, I would never know what hit my until my last moment. The passageways turned to sharply and it was an easy place to ambush someone.

If I went out the doors, if I'm lucky I won't encounter someone. And if I do, the empty hallways always echo your footsteps no matter how stealty you are.

I did call it the hallow mansion for a reason.

I opened the door and carefully stepped out.... Only to be met with a man with a sword.

I screamed. 

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