Chapter 1

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"Alright, and... Light it!" Adam flipped on the switch, and the machine came to life, the old man who held his arm in a tube connecting him to the machine screamed as his entire arm was sucked into it.

Adam shut his eyes tight. He hated to watch the new human process. The "father" usually died, or was really close to dying.

"Shut him down!" Adam fumbled for the switch, and the man's screams had silenced, leaving only the sound a small door opening, and a loud cry came afterwards. "Yes! Another success!" Cheered Adam's boss, Dr. Lament.

"Is it a male or a female?" Asked another doctor, Dr. Evans. Dr. Lament picked up the baby who had come from the old man, and groaned.

"Male again." He held the baby out to Adam, who took the baby carefully into his arms. "Put it with the others." Adam nodded, and carried the baby out of the room and towards the nursery, where there were two other boys there about his age, tending to the babies.

"What do we have today, Adam?"

"Another little guy, Philly." Adam answered as he picked up a blanket and wrapped the new baby in it. Phil and the other boy, Tom, came over to look at the new baby.

"He's kinda ugly looking." Phil commented, then clapped Tom on the back. "Kinda looks like you, Tom!" Tom punched him the shoulder, and Phil jumped him.

While they fought, Adam brought out a cot and lay the new baby down in it, and smiled at him. Adam didn't think that the new baby was ugly at all, and he certainly didn't look like Tom. He was a rather large baby, with long fingers and big feet. He had chubby cheeks, and eyes like looked like they were big.

"How about a little Randy?" He asked the baby, who jus sniffled in response. "Okay then, Randy it is!"

Adam had been taking care of the new baby boys being born for years now, ever since the creation of the O Disease.

The O Disease, or scientifically known as the Ovarian Disease, had been made as a cure for ovarian cancer, but one whiff would kill any women in range. And it did. It hadn't taken long for the cure meant to save women to spread all over the world, not affecting men at all, of course.

Adam himself had only been ten years old when the O disease hit. His mother worked in the same laboratory that he worked in today. She had been one of the first to be hit by the disease when it began to spread. She had tried to contain it as she died. She was a brave woman, and Adam missed her completely.

Adam had been brought into the vicinity by his dad, who didn't want him after his mother's death.

"You look too much like her." He had told Adam one day when Adam visited him. Adam had taken a photo of his mother from her old bedside, found that his father has been right. They had the same small, cocoa powder brown eyes, cocoa powder brown hair, a sprinkling of freckles over their noses. He had her small, attached ear lobes, and his smile was just like her's. It was as if someone had taken his mother and turned her into a male. Adam only wished he could see her again.


The day dragged on with more attempts at creating a female from the male specimens coming in and out, to no avail. Until they heard shouting from outside, and Adam hurried outside to see what was going on.

"Get back here, runt!" Shouted a furious voice. "You thief!" A thief? Where? Adam looked down the road where the guy was yelling, when he was pushed to the ground, and found that the one being pursued hadn't run past him yet. He turned to see a boy with a black cap, a black leather jacket, a pair of jeans, and combat boots. His clothes were baggy, and he had bright green eyes, with a strain of long, black hair that fell from his cap.

The boy got to his feet and grabbed a leather bag that he had dropped and ran without apologising to Adam.

"Stop! Thief!" Adam watched as three guys thundered past him, hurrying after the smaller boy. That was when Adam saw something that the thief must have dropped. Something a guy normally wouldn't steal.

A tampon.

Why would a guy have to steal a tampon? A lot of shop owners had kept products like that for when scientists had brought back the female and they could sell them again.

But why would some scrawny kid need one? Adam planned to find out, so he jumped to his feet and joined the guys. The chase was on!

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