Chapter 5

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The door shut immediately as Adam and Phil ran over to Tom, pulling him to his feet and helping him over to the bed, Tom barely conscious and mumbling incoherently.

"Dude, you alright?" Phil asked, looking back at the bathroom door, completely confused. "What'd you see?"

"Sorry about that!" Adam told him. "Danny came back, so I let him use our shower." Tom just shook his head, mumbling something. "What's up?"

"Danny... Danny had a... uh..." He looked up. "What's Danny short for?" Adam shrugged, completely confused.

"I don't know, I never asked! I guess Daniel?" Tom shook his head.

"No! No, Danny, can't be short for Daniel! Danny- gah! Danny had a-!" There was suddenly a lot of screeching as Danny dove over the bed and tackled Tom, fully dressed.

"SHUT UP!" He shouted, slamming his hands over Tom's mouth and pushing him down onto the ground. "Keep your mouth shut!"

"Dan, what the hell!?" Phil ran over and pulled Danny off of Tom, Danny fighting him roughly. "What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"Tom needs to keep his fucking mouth shut!" Danny shouted, and Tom pointed at him.

"Danny's not-!" The door slammed open and in came Dr. Lament, not looking very happy with them.

"Do you boys mind?" He demanded. "Some of us are trying to work in this facility and would prefer that we do not have to listen to your petty squabbles."

"Sorry, Dr. Lament!" Adam said quickly.

"Dr. Lament! Danny's-!" Danny pounced again, shutting Tom up once more.

"Keep it down!" Dr. Lament shut the door hard, and Tom popped his head up.

"Danny's a girl!" He gasped, Danny smacking him hard across the face.

"I said shut up!" Phil yanked Danny off of him, both him and Adam completely confused.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I saw it!" Tom told them, running over to Adam and hiding behind him. "Danny has a vagina and tits! He-She- I don't know, IT! There was a vagina and I saw boobs!"

"I am going to kill you!" Danny shouted, his voice suddenly getting higher as he shouted at him.

"Danny, what's going on?" Adam asked, and Danny looked between the three of them, before running for the door, Tom covering the door so he couldn't get out, and Danny tried to practically climb over him.

"Let me out!" He shouted, Phil grabbing his arms and yanking him back, Tom grabbing his shirt and yanking it off, revealing bandages wrapped around his chest.

"See! That's why SHE has a flat chest! SHE wraps it around HER boobs to keep looking like a dude!"

"Stop it!" Danny screamed furiously, kicking him hard in the balls as he went for the pants next. "YES I'M A GIRL!"

"Phil, let him-er her- I don't know! Just let go!" Adam ran over and pulled Danny away from Phil and Tom, Danny running to a corner, looking nervous, Adam approaching him- er, her- slowly. "Danny?" She took a deep breath.

"It's short for Danielle." She explained. "My dad made me change it to "Dani" after the O Disease spread so that no one would come after me when all of the other women died."

"How did you survive the O Disease?" Phil asked, looking scared of her now. 

"I-I don't know. I really don't know!" Then she ran at the door again, beating on Tom, who blocked the door like a club bounced, trying to push past him and get out. "Let me out!" She demanded. "I need to get out of here!" Once she realized she couldn't get out the door, she raced for the window, but Phil ran and blocked it so that she couldn't escape. "Stop it!" She grabbed a fire extinguisher off of the wall and holding it up, Phil holding his hands up to block the sure pain that was about to be brought down on him, but Adam ran over and caught it, taking it away from her. 

"Let's not hit each other with the fire extinguisher, shall we?" He said, setting it on the bed. "Now, Dani, why did you go into hiding?" She crossed her arms. 

"Be the object of all scientific creation and continuously be impregnated to have daughters so that they can continue to be impregnated to reboot the population? No thank you!" Phil looked to her incredulously.

"Why? Don't you want to help the community?"

"Well, of course, I want to help, but I'm only sixteen! I don't want to give birth to a bunch of babies thanks to a bunch of men I barely know! I'd rather find someone I care about and want to have children with!"

"Girls and their stupid morals!" Tom exclaimed furiously. "You'd rather watch the human race die out around you than help us out on the off chance you find your so-called "soulmate"!" He threw his hands up. "This is why you all went extinct!" She stomped her foot, before coming over and punching him in the gut. 

"I'll knock you extinct!" She tried to start a fight with him again, but Adam pulled her off, Phil coming around and yanking Tom away.

"Okay! Let's try to figure this out, why don't we?" Adam looked to Dani, who looked ready to run. "Dani, where have you been trying to run?" She turned red.

"Well, I had a boyfriend I'm trying to find, actually." She told him. "Rex. We were kind of dating when the Disease hit. We were just kids, so we, of course, didn't have a "real relationship. But, we had both promised that if the world did end..." She giggled a little. "We promised that if the world was ending, we would meet up and we would marry, and help bring more people in the world. If I can find him, maybe I can talk to him about that, and we could actually make that happen."

"How old were you two?" Adam asked her, truly interested.

"He was eleven, and I was nine." She smiled, her cheeks pink from the blush forming on her face. "It was a silly childhood promise, but we were so certain that we were in love. I just thought, if I'm the last girl on Earth and I'm going to have to give birth to make sure the population keeps on going, the least I can do is do that with someone I truly care for and had some sort of connection, even at such an early age." 

"That actually sounds beautiful," Adam admitted, smiling at the girl's dreamy look. It sounded like some sort of fairy tale. A really messed up fairy tale, but a fairy tale nonetheless. 

"Where's Rex at? Maybe we could find him, and you two could talk about being together?" She shrugged.

"His family moved after the O Disease hit. They were trying to get away from it to save his mom and sister, so they moved all the way to Maine. They were trying to get out of the country. I don't know if they made it or not." Tom jumped up.

"Well, no one's taking you to Maine to see if maybe your boyfriend from seven years ago is still in the country." he told her. "You need to get down to the lab! Dr. Lament said that we need to do all sorts to try and get that X chromosome! He wants to harvest your eggs and get you pregnant and get all sorts of experiments done so that we can make more females!" 

"You keep your fucking hands and your fucking machines away from me!" She told him, grabbing the fire extinguisher again, Phil blocking Tom off and Adam taking the extinguisher away again. 

"Okay! I have one idea." He looked around the room. "What if we do go to Maine?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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