Chapter 4

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Adam kept his eye out for Danny but didn't see the mysterious boy again. At least, not for a long time.

He went about his days as normal, tending to the children, and watching as men died to try and create a female, the formula barely changing each time. He could hardly stand it anymore, just this day in and day out.

One day, he decided to go for a walk around the town. He went around by the fences, looking out the forest outside of them, just wondering what it was like to really be out there, exploring.

"Hey! Punk!" He turned at the words and found himself pushed against the fence, four guys surrounding him. "Where's your little friend? Been looking for him to show his stupid ass around here!"

"I don't know where he IS!" He shouted that last part as one of them punched him in the gut. "I DON'T KNOW!" He shouted again.

"Wrong answer little punk!" The big guy growled, and they began to throw punches at him, stealing his glasses and holding them away from him so he couldn't see, tying his tie tighter around his neck, choking him.

"HEY!" They all suddenly stopped, and Adam just saw a blur of grey jump down above him, landing on the big guy and snarling at the other guys. "Get the hell out of here, you shitheads!" They all ran, their leader on the ground completely passed out from the guy jumping on his head.

Adam then felt a small hand in his, holding his glasses. "Here, you might need these." The familiar voice told him, and when he put on his glasses, he saw Danny standing there!

"Danny? What are you doing here, I thought you went off with those Scavengers?" Danny shook his head, smiling.

"Yeah, well, they weren't the most loyal group. Thought I'd swing by and see my old doctor pal!" Adam looked him up and down and was shocked to see that his leg was completely encased in blood-soaked bandages.

"What happened?!" He asked, crouching down and examining his leg, Danny collapsing to the ground to make it easier on him, but also because the pain was a lot to bear.

"They weren't regular Scavengers. They were just some scummy group thinking a guy like me would know where the last girl was at."

"What'd they do to you?" He asked.

"Once I told them I didn't know anything, they tried to kill me," Danny explained. "There were a bunch of them, and they got me real good with an axe to the leg if you can believe that. I'm just shocked that my whole leg isn't off yet!"

"How the hell have you been walking?" He asked, trying to find some sort of way to take the bandage off without getting the wound infected, but knowing that there was no way that he could do that without the wound getting covered in dirt. "Come on, I'll take you down to the clinic! We need to get you examined!" Danny shook his head quickly, suddenly full of pep, and tried to stand up.

"No, no! I'm alright, actually! Just a little sore! I'm fine!" But Adam knew better.

"Come on man, I'll just take you in and you can show the doctor!" He yanked Danny to his feet, Danny yelping in pain, grabbing his leg as Adam grabbed onto his arm. "Come on, let's go," Danny grumbled, but let Adam force him along, dragging his injured leg behind him.


They reached the clinic, and Adam helped Danny into the bunks where he unwrapped the bandages, grabbing a first aid kit. When he unwrapped the bandages and found that the leg wasn't in danger of coming off, but there was a large gap in his leg where he was losing blood. FAST.

He quickly used antiseptic wipes to clean around the wound, Danny grunting and flinching with each touch, but he didn't fuss or cry like the babies, and he didn't curse and throw an adult tantrum as the other guys did. He really appreciated the calm attitude that Danny had, even if Danny was moving around a bit. He was clearly in pain, so that was pretty standard.

He then pulled out some stitching material out of the case, and Danny jumped back. "It's alright, man. I just have to stitch up the wound to close it up so that it can heal."

"How bad's it gonna hurt?" He asked, for the first time looking nervous. 

"Not too bad." Danny nodded slowly, but grabbed a pillow and hugged it close like it was a stuffed toy as Adam began stitching, him wincing once as the needle first entered his skin, but he stayed still the rest of the time, burying his face in the pillow about halfway through, but other than that, he stayed silent during the procedure. Once Adam was done, he put a large, clean, waterproof bandage over the stitches to keep it clean, and protected. "There. If you want, you can take a shower in our bathroom. I know its pretty rough out there." Danny nodded, scratching the top of his head. 

"I guess I could use a good wash and rinse." He then stood up, wincing a little bit, but he made his way to the bathroom, just as Tom and Phil burst in with three screaming babies.

"Adam, help!" Adam ran over and took one of the babies from Phil.

"What the hell?" He murmured, trying to calm the baby down, but with his brothers screaming, he wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"The machine worked too well this time! We got three boys from one dude!" Tom told him, a big grin on his face with red cheeks. "I mean, its not a girl, but it's still something! At least we know that the population isn't dying any time soon!" Adam rolled his eyes, but they ran for the bottles.

After about twenty minutes, the babies finally calmed down, and the three boys had made temporary beds for them out of pillows on the bunks before taking them to the nursery later.

"Boy, am I beat!" Tom muttered, flopping down onto his bunk before Phil sniffed. 

"Oof, Tom, go take a shower! You stink!" Tom sniffed his armpit and grimaced. 

"Ugh, fine!" He rolled off the bed, and went to the door, just before Adam remembered.

"Hey, Tom, wait, there's-" But Tom opened the door, and he was in complete shock.

"HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!" And he promptly fainted, as a very high pitched scream erupted from the bathroom.


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