chapter 1: The Worst of The Worst?! Riki Nindou

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Thoughts are in italics.
Bold and italics is probably an authors note.
(Y/n )= your full name
(F/n) = first name
(L/n )= last name
(N/n )= nickname
(E/c) = eye color
(H/c) = hair color
(H/l)= hair length

More keys might be added

Cover belongs to me by the way.


[Readers p.o.v.]


'Oh shut up'


'I just want to sleep'

I slowly got off my bed to get ready for hell, or as many others know as school. I have recently transfered to this 'new' sort of hell though, I heard it's called P.K. Academy. Although I seem disinterested in school, I'm actually a honors student.

As I reached my hand out to grab my eye patch. I looked towards my clock to see cogs, gears, and other mechanical parts spreaded and jumbled upon my nightstand. ' I did it again'.

I forgot to mention, I have telekinesis, Astral projection, and pyrokinesis. I also can communicate with my mind, I guess it's kinda like telepathy but I can only speak to a person not hear their thoughts.

Anyways back to what I'm doing. I placed my eye patch on my left eye and looked at myself in the mirror, to gaze at my new uniform. 'Does the skirts have to be so short ' I thought with slight disgust. 'Whatever. I dont want to change again'.

I walked out of my house and to my new school. "Hey there, buddy" someone called, despite his calling I ignored him. "Hey, I was talking to you". 'Man, this guy sounds stupid ' I slowly turned while thinking 'I bet he looks stupid too- Oh my god '.

"Hey there, I'm Nendou Riki" grinned the idiotic looking

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"Hey there, I'm Nendou Riki" grinned the idiotic looking. 'Why did I have to be right' I sweat drop, I then looked at his uniform noticing that we go to the same school. '...and we go to the same school'. "Um...uh...hi Nendou... I'm (L/n)" I stuttered staring at his huge butt chin.

"I should get going to class" I said trying to get away from Nendou.

"Hey hold on, I want you to meet my bro!" He laughed and I groaned.

'I didn't even get past the gate without someone bothering me. Wait, I got an idea'. As Nendou was talking, and I wasn't paying attention to him, I saw a can sitting up right at the corner. I gave a devilish smirk. I picked up the can with my telekinesis and attempted to throw it at him, but then a pink haired boy with antennas came into view.

Thats (y/n) knew, she f*cked up.

The can went spiraling towards him, but then the can stopped in mid air and dropped to the ground. 'There goes my chance of escaping, all well. But that guy must have telekinesis too. A can doesnt just randomly stop in mid air.'

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