chapter 2: Shun Kaido AKA The Jet-Black wings

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'Oh my god, this guy is an idiot'

I stared at a spikey blue haired boy doing a weird pose. "I am Kaidou Shun, THE JET-BLACK WINGS, AND I WILL VANQUISH THE DARK REUNION" the poor soul shouted out.

'Is he a tiny bit embarrassed by what he is doing' I pondered.

"Man, what a weirdo. Anyways what I was saying, have you heard about that snake that escaped the zoo?" said a broccoli headed boy.

"Yea, i heard it was pretty deadly" the brown haired boy replied.

"The snake didn't escape it was released by The Dark Reunion!" Kaidou yelled out.

"Huh? You knew what happened Kaidou?" The brown haired boy asked.

"The Dark Reunion most likely released it to most likely proceed onto their evil schemes and most likely demolish the world. Isn't that right, (l/n) and Saiki?" Kaidou yelled to me and the pink haired boy.

"What?! Dont drag me into this Kaidou" I shouted while Saiki remained silent.

"We will vanquish The Dark Reunion with our powers" He shouted once again.

'Even if The Dark Reunion did exist, me and Saiki would be only ones doing the 'vanquishing'. After all, we do have super human powers' I thought.

"Hey guys, they found the snake" another black haired boy stated. Kaidou had a shocked expression plastered on his face.

"Huh? Where did they find it?" The brown haired boy questioned.

"It was in front of the school gate half dead" the black haired boy detailed.

"Why was it half dead Kuro?" A brown haired girl asked.

(A/n: these hair colors are starting to confuse me (○~☆))

"Supposably it was beaten around by a bunch of kids" Kuro answered.

"Thats one weak ass snake" I interjected.

"Hey Kaidou, you better watch out for what you say about The Dark Reunion. They might go after you" The brown haired boy teased.

"You wouldn't be saying that later on. After all, its always calm before a storm. Don't say I didnt warn you." Kaido attempted to sound cool while his voice was faultering.

'He went to the restroom to cry, didn't he?' I deadpanned. Saiki went after him. 'Aww is he going to cheer him up?' I joked.

"He's a strange one. One time he shouted out 'My arm, my arm! Something is happening to my arm'" Kuro joked as his arm wiggled abnormally.

"You got a little somthing in your sleeve there" I stated.

"Huh? AAAH!" Kuro screeched as a snake fell out his sleeve, the room erupted in screams of terror.


"Where are your balls, I mean its just a snake." Nendou said nonchalantly.

"WHERE ARE YOURS?!" Kuro shouted. Nendou was where everyone can see him, revealing the snake biting into his pants. Nendou fainted on the spot.

'K.O. NENDOU IS OUT OF THE MATCH' I slightly snickered at my thought.

Kaidou ran through the doors and stood in front of the snake, while I was behind him. "Everyone get back! I will take care of this snake!" Kaidou shouted with barvery but looked like he was about to piss his pants.

Despite what Kaidou said the snake leaped off the ground and went towards me. Kaidou went in front of me about to take the hit. "Take this! Judgements night off" Kaidou shouted once again. Then lightning came out of no where and shocked the snake.

'This must be Saiki's doing. Nice job Saiki.' I smirked.

The class looked at Kaidou, as well as Kaidou', looked shocked at the phenomenon.

'He acts like an idiot but he sure is brave' I thought.

I thanked him for protecting me and went to my desk. The snake was taken out of the room and the teacher finally came back.

I tuned out of his lecture and started questioning my future actions. 'I think Saiki should know what I know. But when should I communicate with him? I probably shouldn't communicate to him at a public place. Maybe I should use Telepathy. That would blow my cover though. What if I black mail him? Even if I did black mail him what would I blackmail him with? That idea is defiantly debunked. I guess this matter falls into trust. I hope I can trust him.' I took a quick glance to him thinking of what to do.

"(L/n), can you repeat everything I just said?" Mr. Nobodycares asked.

I glanced at the board looking for the subject. Seeing nothing is written. "" I answered dumbly.

"Then I suggest you leave la la land and pay attention" he argued. I didn't respond and just sat there waiting for him to continue his lecture.

~Time skip to last period~

'It's time to tell him' I looked towards the teacher so I wouldn't get caught.

'Saiki, this is (l/n). I wanted to tell you I know that you are a esper.' I slightly turned towards him to look for any reaction. He looked at me with his eyes slightly widen. 'However, I am aware you don't want anyone to know. So here's the deal. Dont tell anyone I am psychic and I will do the same. Got it?'

He gave me a look of understanding and replied 'I wasn't going to in the first place, but sure I won't say anything'.

I smirked and thanked him. The bell sudenly rang. I stood up and left the room feeling someones gaze on me. I dismissed the feeling and went to my house.

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