chapter 10: Who? Saiki even more confused?!

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Saiki's POV

3 months later

I've been searching for (y/n) everyday. Yet I can't find a single trace of her. I even searched what was once her house. All I found was debris. I tried to find anything, even just a hair. Eventually a new house was built in its place. I started thinking she wasn't real. Despite that, I kept looking. Today was very strange though , I couldn't comprehend it. Although, it could be a lead.

It's monday morning and the bell for school had just rung. Signalling that school just begun. The teacher walked and the class did our daily greetings.

"Good morning class, today we have a new student" Said the teacher. I kept my head down not caring about having new student in the class. She brought in the new student and I looked up to see them. "This is-" I jumped up from my seat when i saw the all too familiar (h/l) (h/c) hair, and (e/c) eye. I stared at her eye, noticing that she has 2 eyes instead of one.

"(L/n), where have you been?! I've been looking for you all over!" I almost yelled.

"Sit down Saiki!" The teacher said sternly, which i ignored.

The girl looked at me confused and shocked. The look on her face was then replaced with a worried smile. "It's okay. I'm sorry, you must have me mistaken for someone else. My name is Hagekure Yui." She said in a sweet tone.

I looked at her in disbelief and mumbled a sorry while sitting back down. I put my head down and started thinking about how similar (L/n) and Hagekure looked.

After Hagekure's introduction she sat in a seat diagonally in front if me. I looked at the back of her head and decided to try and her mind. I accidentally let a shocked face slip out when i realized i couldn't read her mind or sense her presence. 'She has to be (L/n), theres no way thats not her.' I thought with hope.

---Time skip to after school---

Nendou and Kusuo were walking beside me talking and I had my eyes focused on the ground. Not paying attention are caring about my companions conversation. "-right Saiki?" Said Kaidou intruding my thoughts.

"Huh? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I said with no emotion.

"Woah, you're not paying attention? What happened to my bro Saiki?" Question Nendou. I looked at him not giving an answer. Just giving a look that said 'drop it'.

"Seriously dude, what's up with you? You've been spacing out and acting weird ever since you mentioned that (L/n) chick. Has the DARK REUNION brain washed you?" Said Kaidou with concern and his signature pose.(I've completely forgot how Kaidou speaks, please forgive me: a/n)

"Is this (L/n) chick some kind of crush you have Saiki bro?" Questioned. Nendou. I looked back down and started thinking to my self.

I looked back up and said with a plain voice "I think I'm going to walk home alone today. I got things to do".

"You sure Saiki? We can walk you home and protect you from the DARK REUNION" said Kaidou cooly, yet with noticable nervousness.

"Yeah bro! We can even get some ramen on our way there!" Said Nendou with excitement. I looked at him and looked forward again and walked away towards my home.

"Okay then! See ya tomorrow Saiki bro!" Yelled Nendou. I continued walking and turned the corner. I waited until I sensed they were gone and walked to where (L/n) used to live.

When I made it to her house i notice the 'for sale' sign was replaced with a 'sold' sign. I looked at the windows and noticed the curtains were open to what I thought was the kitchen. Hagekure stood behind the window washing dishes. 'This is too much of a coincidence.' I thought to myself. Hagekure looked up at me and waved at me with a smile. I sent a small wave back, then turned around and walked home.

I decided to go straight to bed, deciding that today had too much weirdness and coincidences.

'Too weird, I'm probably going to end up seeing her face everywhere.' was my last thought before I fell asleep.


Hey guys, sorry it's been so long. I've been having this huge block on me. Also I reread my work and realized there isn't a lot of Saiki and reader stuff. Soooo, next chapter will be flash backs to you and Saiki moments!!!! Lastly! I think im going to make a My Hero Academia x reader. I have a real cool quirk idea! And I've even done research on it! Please leave a comment if it should be done and if it should be specific love interest or a various x reader, thank you! Stay safe, stay home, and stay clean!!!

I forget I left the temporary tile as beef😳

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