Chapter 6: Reach Him! Sign of Love

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I'm sooooo sorry for giving this such a long hiatus, I have no excuses I'll just get on with the story.

Y/n P.O.V.

I sat at my desk with my head down waiting for class to begin. Behind me the guys in my class were grouped around Teruhashi. I got to admit she is quite attractive but that won't turn me, well maybe. Kinda depends if the reader or if 'I' am bi or not. Anyways, despite her attractiveness she has a weird, strange, and stuck up side to her.

I look to the other side of Saiki, a girl with short brown hair and brown eyes we're staring at her. That very girl was Chiyo Yumehara. I look back to Saiki about to ask him about her and he made a weird as hell face.

'No that won't work, it'll make me stand out as a weirdo' Saiki said

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'No that won't work, it'll make me stand out as a weirdo' Saiki said.


'I'm just trying to make her give up on me'

'The hell is that supposed to mean'

'Chiyo's crushing on me'

' Need help?'

'I'll need it'

'Great because I have a plan!'

-Time skip to after class-

Me and Saiki were walking to our next class.
But then Saiki told me to get behind him, fore Chiyo was around the corner. I did as he told and Chiyo walked around the corner and Saiki did a sick as hell flip.


Chiyo looked back and forth from the spot he was and to the spot he stood at.


Me and Saiki continued walking in the hallway but I was soon stopped by my companion.

"Have you contacted him" Saiki asked.

"Yep! This girl will be off your back soon!" I replied.

-Time skip to class-

I walked into class and I just saw Chiyo drop her handkerchief.

"Chiyo! You dropped you're handkerchief!" I told her.

"Oh, thank you (Y/n)" she replied.

I continued walking towards my desk and I saw her do it again. 'tch, this girl has problems'.

After that little charade, Saiki swing his hand the handkerchief went into her pocket.

"Oh, where could have we- here?!" Chiyo shouted in surprise.

Chiyo kept bothering Saiki over, and over, and over. I gotta admit I kinda feel bad for him. I'm going to treat him when this is over.

-Time skip to after school-

After class I was going to ask him if he wanted to do something but then I saw him walking towards the balcony. I decided to follow him. As I got there I saw him standing on the edge. The rain was pouring, lighting was clashing and thundering. I looked at him in fear, as we all know what it means when someone was standing on the edge of a two story building.

He couldn't be doing what I think he is doing...he has so much...friends, and family...he can't give up...not when I've met someone thats...just like me... we're alike.

I ran towards him and pulled him towards me.

"Don't you dare even think about it Saiki Kusou"

Saiki slightly turned his towards me.

"You have so much to live for, and I still need you. I...I can't lose you...I've lost too much..." As I knew my tears we're flowing but I still held on to him.

"If life is hard just go to me...please...just please don't resort to suicide..." I continued crying, it hurt thinking that 'it' was happening again.

Saiki turned his whole body to me and hugged me.

"...(Y/n)..." Saiki said.

"...That was the first time someone has ever surprised me..." He continued.

I sniffled and said "...What?".

He slightly chuckled and continued, " I wasn't committing suicide, I was clearing up the weather" .

"Huh?" I questioned.

He rose his arm up into the sky and light came out of it. Soon enough the clouds parted revealing a non-rainy, sunny day.

"You said you contacted him right?" Saiki asked

"Yep" I replied.

"Then look at the entrance".

We teleported behind a tree and saw she was moping. A guy came out of the school with an umbrella. Because of our distance what they were saying was inaudible.

"I told you it would work" I told Saiki.

"Whatever" he said, I then laughed at him.

"Hey Saiki, want to go do something today?" I asked.

"Sure, I don't mind" He replied.

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