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Guess who's back >:O
(Btw I decided to spilt this part apart since it's taking me forever to update a story so...)
Heres part 1 ٩( )و

(Btw I'm sorry of the updates I've made before, I was trying to revise the chapters •_•)

Anyways enjoy :,3

Narrators Pov (≧∀≦)

As the crowd of people watched the sky illuminate with splashes of beautiful colors at the park, most of the crowd started to leave or head towards their car to sit on top of their cars rooftop to get a better view. Edd was giggling at how Tom was pronouncing at one of the constellations name wrong as Tom blushed at his mistakes. "Hahaha, Tom it's- it's oh god it's not ONION Tom" Edd laughed "oh yea, then what's it called Mr.Gold?"Tom asked playfully. "Ha!It's actually called 'Orion' doofus" Edd said trying to sound unamused." Pshhh yea alright " Tom said rolling his eyes as he began to tickle Edd. "Tom what are you- haha- tom stop please I'm sensitive there" Edd pleaded trying to get away from Toms grasp. "NEVER" Tom said aloud- "HEY KEEP IT DOWN THERE PINEAPPLE HEAD" Tord yelled across the park.
"SHUT UP LAWSON" Tom yelled back.
"I swear you a guys are so immature" Edd softly chuckled as he pulled Tom towards him 'what the-?' Tom though as his head rested on Edd lap "Edd what are yo-"," I swear I don't know how I fell in Love with an alcoholic like you" Edd said softy looking into the sky ,"....sure.." Tom sighed as he intertwined their fingers looking away so Edd wouldn't notice his flushed face.

Tords Pov (u_u)

'Ugh I swear they are so loud' I thought to myself. I looked down at my shoulder looking at Matt sleeping peaceful on my right shoulder. "Damn" I sighed.        "you sure didn't get enough sleep huh?" I said softly. I took a closer look on Matts face and noticed small amounts of makeup that were covering up a bit of his right eye. 'Oh god' , I felt myself getting tense of not realizing sooner, but I felt relieved that he's finally resting well  and actually close to me then before.
I smiled softly as a blush crept upon my face and began to run my hands through his soft peached hair, I looked around and thankfully everyone is distracted by the cosmos. I leaned in slowly and gave a small kiss on his forehead "Jeg elsker deg" I cooed softly close to him.
I was about to lean my head on his but felt sudden movements next to me.

Matts Pov('-').。oO

"Ugh" I mumbled as I began to rub my eyes. "T-Todd?" I questioned looking at the red figure in front of me "uhh it's me Tord(?)" he responded awkwardly. 'Oh...oh no', I quickly sat up"oh my god I'm so sorry tod-Tord I meant!!" I exclaimed in regret. Not realized I rose from the air so high, I felt myself about to fall backwards 'why?!' I thought to myself in disbelief.
As I was about to embrace the pain I was about to fall upon, I felt two small (but strong) arms wrap around my waist avoiding me to fall down. I looked down surprised as Tord kept holding onto me like if I was gonna disappear.
I blushed at how much me held me close so tightly without wanting to let go. "T-tord are you alright?" I asked blushing nervously. "Hmm-oh um I'm sorry Matt I just- couldn't-uh let go"Tord muffled against my sweater, as he let go of my waist slowly.

We both sat there quietly for a moment, not wanting to make eye contact. "Uh I'm-", "I'm sorry" Tord said. 'What?' I thought to myself, as I looked up.Tord had his head down for a while and was shaking a bit ,then looked up at me with a serious face as Tears were growing in the edge of his eyes. " I said.....Im sorry Matthew" he said sincerely. He then began to get up quickly with a shameful expression.
"No wait Tord!?" I said yelling helplessly, as I pulled him down by his hoodie. "No no wait Mat-" Tord yelled voice cracked as he landed on me softy 'oh and here I thought you were heavier than you looked' I thought to myself. "L-let go of me Matt" Tord yelled as his accent thickened "No Tord I would never let go of you until you explain why you are leaving me with just an apology" I said struggling to hold him down with all of my strength. "I..I-just" he said.
He stoped struggling as his body went limp on me as he signed in defeat. "Tord?" I asked , he slowly got off me and went to sit back at his spot not wanting to look at me "Tord wh-what are you doing?".

Tords Pov (ToT)

'Why? Why!! Why does someone like Matt make me feel this way,guilty for a simply mistake I've made, yet he still trusts me' I thought to myself. I looked up at him as the British looked at me confused "I um- what's that on um, you know here?" Matt said as he pointed his right eye. That's when I realized he meant about the bandages on my face. "Oh it's just an accident..don't worry about it" I simply said. He sighed as I felt him scoot closer to me, the closer I felt his presence, the more I would back away.
That's when I began to feel my chest puffing up so fast, like my lungs tried to find air and suddenly began hyperventilating. Matt gasped "TORD!!"


Oops Lol

I left you guys on a cliffhanger xD

I wonder what's gonna happen??
(OvO) ᴵ'ᵐ ᶰᵒᵗ ˢᵒʳʳʸ

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