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"Bye Manager!" Taehyung shouted as he slips the blue sweatshirt to his body after undressing himself from his uniform.

"Bye! Don't forget to lock up okay?!" his manager shouted. Taehyung nodded and he stifles a laugh because of his own dumbness, it's not like his manager will see it. His manager supposed to close the restaurant but he went home first as soon as possible because his friend texted him saying that the chanbaek fanfic he likes has been updated and there's no wifi in the restaurant. His other friend, Zico, also left a while ago.

Remembering the cat, he realized that he might be thirsty by now. He went to the small fridge they have in their room and gets his tumbler of iced tea, reminding himself that the cat is picky. He snorted.

He checks every parts of the place before locking up the front door and turning off the lights, going outside the back door as he locks it, twisting it once again to make sure.

He looks around the alleyway and noticed that there's only an empty plate there, the black cat nowhere to be seen. "Meooow? Me—" he screams when the black cat jumps infront of him, popping out from the back of a trashcan.

Taehyung inhales sharply. "I have an iced tea here, you must be thirsty." he opens it and pours a small amount in the lid, placing it down and crouching.

Jungkook looks up at him before walking slowly near him and licking at the juice. "You're sooo cute," Taehyung cooed, making him annoyed.

"Can I touch you?" Jungkook's ear twitches and he hissed at him, which means, no.

"Why not?" he said.

"I'm not a pet." he meows, sitting up and looking at him directly.

"Please translate into a human language."

"I'll do if I can." Jungkook meowed bluntly, making him smile once again, clearly enjoying to talk to a cat, weird.

"Do you have a name?" Jungkook didn't reply. "I should give you one," Taehyung starts to think deeply.

Jungkook looks at him mad. I am not fucking owned to have a pet name

"Kookie!" Taehyung's eyes brightened after shouting the name. "I will name you Kookie! Uhm, I got that from Jungkook's name... how's that?" he said shyly as he looks down, Jungkook noticed a tink of pink on his cheeks.

Jungkook stares at him, amused. "Well that's me, idiot." he meows. Taehyung only looked up weirdly.

"W-Well, you don't even know Jungkook is... but, he's very handsome and cute just like you! Don't worry!" he said as he smiles at him again, making Jungkook stare at him in awe, content that a person like him would name a pet with his own, cute.

After a few seconds of silence, he clears his throat "So, uh, where are you going after this?" he said. Jungkook only stared at him, dazed.

"Oh, you don't understand? I mean, meow, meow? myewl— hey I'm still talking!"

"I give up with this guy," Jungkook muttered, meowing at himself but he still can't help but to smile (he doesn't know how he looked like) as he turns his back to Taehyung and starts to walk away.

"Rude," Taehyung said as he follows Jungkook. "Are you heading home? I thought you have some dark past there? If not, where are you staying for the meantime?" he said as he walks beside Jungkook, crouching down a little while looking at him.

"How about—"

"Kid stop talking to the cat." an old man said that passes by. Taehyung only shrugs and looks at him again. "So, would you like to stay in my house? And, I can also treat your injured cheek."

Jungkook stopped walking, thinking of Taehyung's offer.

Maybe I can stay for the night? I wouldn't want to sleep here in the sidewalk.

Jungkook is having a mental argument as he looks dumbfounded, not realising that Taehyung already crouched infront of him, smiling. "Would you want to?"

If I come with him, he'll lock me up inside his house?

No, he'll make me his pet. But where will I stay for the meantime?!

I'll be a pet? Will I still turn into a human again?

I can try falling inlove with him, but how the fuck will I do that when he's just going to rub me and feed me all day like a normal cat?

No way, I'm not going with him. I'd rather sleep here.

Jungkook looks up at him and flinched when he felt a palm on his head. He's about to shake it off when Taehyung suddenly reaches at the back of his left earlobe, rubbing it gently.

Jungkook's inner thoughts are suddenly gone. He mewls lowly because what the fuck that feels good.

Taehyung hummed, "You like that?" he rubs it faster, making Jungkook lean into his hand. He smiled as he extends his other hand and reaches for Jungkook's right ear, now scratching both of it gently.

Jungkook closed his eyes as he tilts his head upwards, enjoying it. More, more.
He suddenly felt his chest vibrating softly, and there he knew, he's purring. Because he's a cat, and he's acting like a pet wanting to be touched by his owner.

After realising this, Jungkook's eyes shot open, and he's met with the gaze of Taehyung's sparkling eyes, looking down at him happily. "Well I guess you like me now. I should take you home,"

Jungkook wants to meow in protest but before he could even speak, Taehyung already grabs him up with both of his hands.

"Don't worry, you'll be safe with me." he said as he hugs Jungkook in his chest, making him smell his vanilla scent, but he payed no mind as he starts to try to escape from his grip, but Taehyung hugged him tighter.

"No!" Jungkook shouted but instead, a loud meow escapes from his mouth.

And Taehyung misunderstood.

"I guess that means 'yehey'! Okay, Let's go Kookie!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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