Start a fight, create a war.

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A small gasp left my lips as warm kisses  were placed on the inside of my thighs. The whirling in my stomach had my heart racing and body shaking with anticipation. I whimpered from the demanding hands that squeezed my thighs securing me into position. Looking down I watched the black hair weave as the kisses got closer to my core. My fingers ran through the thickness of the hair just as contact was made.

My breath caught in my throat as my body was being subjected to countless amounts of pleasure which had me moaning.

My eyes closed but when I rolled them open, Zak was hovering over me, his eyes roaming across my face looking for some kind of sign. I whined at his slowness. Holding his ribs, I pulled on him gently trying to hurry him up.

He smiled before filling my body  making me moan loudly before looking down at ourselves.

"You're so fucking beautiful like this.." He whispered.

With no coherent words I simply panted up at him before moving my hands on his side and encouraging him to move.

His hips moved into mine, leaving me to run my fingertips across the broadness of his back and down his arms.

I licked my lips as my eyes fell closed only for the movement to feel different, I opened my eyes to see Nick. His stomach muscles contracting as he took firm movements.

"Fuck Scarlett.."

I reached up to touch his face, his lips pulled into a strained smile as his body worked on mine.

"I promise I'll do right by you." He groaned.

My eyes blinked and suddenly I was back under Zak who's fingers were moving my hair from my face. His pupils dilated as he looked at me in awe.

As he buried his face into my neck, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Feeling his muscles pulling and relaxing with every movement he made. His body worked like a fine tuned orchestra, working together to bring such beauty and harmony.

My body quivered and my arms moved as the body grew smaller, the back tattoo was gone and a smaller but firm body was against mine. The smell was different, a smell I knew...

"You feel so good." Nick moaned squeezing my breasts.

I clamped my eyes shut, arching my back up when I felt the muscle again. The gliding of large hands on my soft skin, I knew Zak was here again.

"Lettie..." He whispered breathlessly into my ear.


I jolted awake to the sound of laughter, my eyes scanned the room wondering if I had been caught in a bit of a moment but when I looked around. All I found was Avari sat on the couch watching the TV at the other end of the room.

Yawning I rubbed my eyes and pushed myself up looking at her.

"Ava baby?"

Her eyes snapped to me as a smile spread across her face "Hi mommy."

"Morning sweetie."

"Morning, mommy I'm hungry but Holly was in the kitchen and I don't wanna go in there." She pouted.

Nodding, I rolled out the bed and headed out the room. I tugged the lose hair tie from my wrist and fixed my hair into a messy bun as I crossed the lounge and entered the kitchen.

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