Box of Love

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'Why? Why was Zak here?! How did he know where I worked?!' I stressed pacing the floor as I hid out the back. I knew security were already looking in on the private room to make sure he moved on. They didn't care for disputes of family values or even friendships. They just saw a man who was causing trouble and that was enough to have him ejected from the club.

However Zak realised that sooner or later he would be thrown and decided to disappear back into the club leaving me to pace the floor in worry. Eventually my shift was over and I left as quick as I possibly could to avoid bumping into him.

Pushing open the front door, I sighed gently glad to be home, Caitlyn looked up from her books with a smile "Good shift?" She asked.

"Bad shift.. Oh so very bad when you dance for an Ex."

"Oh... Wow that must have been a conversation starter... No?" She asked pushing the pen into her ponytail.

"Not when the Ex is Avari's dad."

Her green eyes turned to marbles "Oh hot damn.. What happened?"

"I got out pretty quick and left him shouting.. Never, and I mean never settle for less than you deserve. You're a bright girl make something of your life and if you need to get a job. Get a shop one. Not a stripping one." I replied.

"You just dance though right?"

"In next to nothing. Yeah.."

She pushed her mouth to the side "I know you don't like it Scarlett but maybe him seeing you was the push you needed to get something better? You aren't happy. Maybe try for a club bar tending instead?" She suggested.

I nodded "Yeah, I guess I will miss the money that's all."

Caitlyn although she was only 18 and lived across the street, her head was screwed on and I didn't know a young woman like her. She had ambition and had the drive I once used to possess. She was always helpful with Avari when she had her nightmares.

We had a chat about school work before she called it a night, I handed her some money which she always refused but I stuffed it into her bag and smiled "Get some books or pens. Maybe a pencil case before you dye your hair a funny colour with the ink." I laughed noticing her usual pen placement.

I watched Caitlyn cross the street and enter her house before I walked back into mine and closed the door. Pulling off my shoes, I tossed them onto the rack and padded my way through to the kitchen when the knocking began.

I rolled my head back looking to the ceiling wondering if there was a God, would he banish this next problem for me because it wasn't going to be a pretty showdown. Making my way back to the door, I could hear Zak ranting away. Taking a breath, I pulled it open.

He stormed in to the house and looked around before closing the lounge door. "Who else is here?" He asked.


"You left Avari alone?!" He almost yelled.

"What? No, no I had a sitter here. Calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down? Scarlett do you have any idea how confused, how angry and how shocked I am right now? I- A fucking stripper?!"

I shook my head "I'm actually a dancer. I don't strip."

"You may as well! I mean you were wearing nothing!"

"I had clothes on okay? Would it have been better if I wore nothing?" I asked him folding my arms.

"NO! You told me you weren't a fucking stripper, yet I find you cavorting around a filthy pole for money!"

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