Chapter 9: New Encounters

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Mangle's POV


Chica flung herself at the black figure, tackling him or her to the floor. She curled her hands into fists, about to pound them down before Bonnie and Freddy pulled her off. She screamed nonstop, thrashing around, trying to pull herself out of their grasp, but they weren't letting go.

I stared at her, never seeing this side of her. Her hair was messy, strands sticking out to make her look like a physco, and her eyes, oh god her eyes, they were the same ones that she gave me whenever no one was looking, sneaking it at me, warning me that I would always be in danger.

She started crying, tears streaming down her eyes as she began to stop getting out of Bonnie and Freddy's grip. They let go, letting her drop to the floor and on her knees. I had never seen her so hopeless, or anything like how she was now, before.

She looked over to us, spotting me first, finally realizing we were there, watching. She stared at me, pure hatred in her eyes as she looked at me, so deeply that I thought she could see my trembling soul in my eyes.

She finally looked away, her glare fading instantly as she looked at Foxy.

"FOXY!" She cried, tearing up even more.

I turned to him, looking for his reaction, and what I saw terrified me even more.

He looked angry. So angry. Hatred, scornful, all of above, his soft hands turned to hard fists, his smiling face scrunched up, his once relaxed body now tensed and abnormal looking.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" He roared, throwing himself at the black figure.

Before he could, another person, not of whom I knew, held him off, grabbing his arms to stop Foxy from attacking.

"Get outta here!" He shouted, motioning his head quickly for the black figure to leave.

And it did, fast. The figure ran past me, elbowing me quickly as he did. I let out a short 'mmph!', since he elbowed my side.

I watched him go, seeing him run through the doors. But before he was out of sight, he cast me a glance. His skin was pale, a sickly pale, one that would make people think you're sick. His eyes were a dark yellow, golden almost, but I only saw it on the left eye, the right covered in what seemed black if the shadow of his hood wasn't covering it. His teeth gleamed a bright white, toothy and sharp, too sharp for my liking. I could tell he was smirking, and he mouthed to me;

"See ya later."

Chills went down my spine instantly.

"What's wrong with you man!?"

I turned back to my friends, seeing their horrified faces. I saw it was Freddy who spoke, clearly mad at Foxy.

Foxy completely ignored him, running to Chica who was still crying. "What happened? What happened, Chica? What'd he say to you!?"

Foxy ran to her, half holding her and half shaking her to answer him. She just kept crying, her only words wails.

Bonnie had a sympathetic look on him, feeling bad for Chica, while Freddy looked angry. Toy Freddy was staring in Bewilderment, along with Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie. But what surprised me the most was Marionette. She looked bored, just staring at Foxy and Chica with a blank look. She let out a sigh, as if she was tired. I flinched when she looked at me, noticing my stare. She had a shocked look on her, but it quickly disappeared, turning into a sad look. But I just couldn't tell if it was a fake one, or real.

"Ey, Foxy..."

I turned back to the boy I didn't know, who was walking over to Foxy and Chica.

Foxy practically growled at him, holding Chica tighter. My heart sunk at the sight. He didn't love me...I knew that. I just wish it didn't hurt so much.

I noticed that the unknown boy was fairly similar to Freddy and Toy Freddy, except with dulled golden hair and shades. Were they siblings?

"Why do you always cause ruckus wherever you go?" He paused, turning his glare to Chica, who surprisingly looked...intimidated. "I told y'all to stay clear of the Fazbear's." He growled, his eyebrows arching down in his anger.

"We let em' in." Freddy growled, standing up to defend his newfound friend.

"And who in hell let you to do so?" The blonde returned his glare, taking a step towards him. It seemed they all knew each other.

"I don't need permission to let my friends in my restaurant." Freddy spat, grimacing at him.

"Ah, don't bring that shit up Fred. This place is way better in my hands. Why, maybe I should rename it-"

"Shut it, Goldie."

Freddy turned to us, a hard look on him as his gaze crossed us. "C'mon, let's leave this place..." He grunted, stomping over to the doorway.

"B-but Fred..." It was Toy Freddy who had spoken, who had a distraught look on him.m

"We'll get the pizza later you idiot. Let's just go..."

We all left awkwardly, none of us daring to argue with Freddy. I was one of the last to leave, but when I turned around to give one more glance at the blonde, he was looking straight at me, with the most deadliest, sadistic look in his eye, holding a knife in his hand.

If we weren't in a pizza place, I wouldn't have thought it was tomato sauce rather than blood.


Cherry: Hey guys! How's it going!? What do ya think? Questions I'm guessing? Hey, do me a favor and try guessing ur ideas on the whole thing!

Next up is the Fabulous Glare! Let's give her some cheers cuz she's been going through some life problems lately! We love u glare!

Glare: -laughs nervously- Heh, thanks all! Unfortunately I'm going to have to break the news...yeah it's bad news...My practice schedule for swim has gone insane! I'm waking up early, around 6:30 am, just to jump into a freezing pool outside.

I'm not going to be able to stay up as late as I do working on the stories for CherryGlare and my main account Glare0322. So my chapters will kinda sorta be delayed.

I'm super sorry guys, but I'll do the best I can to update here and Glare0322. Thanks for reading the amazing Cherry's chapter and I hope you will read once more for my chapter next time!

Gooooooooooooooooood Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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