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short updates lol


delinquent (n.) \-kwənt\

 -  a usually young person who regularly performs illegal or immoral acts.


"money." i casually said, giving him a smug look while he pathetically shivers in fear as he was looking at me.


"just give me the goddamn money!" he jumps at my loud voice. with his arms stretched out, both of his hands gripped the won i wanted. taking it, i left the nerd without a word.

the son of the owner of the school i'm in. how cool is that, you ask?

it's not fucking cool at all when they treat you like you're not their own child. my only benefit here is that i don't get expelled. 

"min yoongi, still here after taking a student's money multiple times." hoseok's tongue clicked, walking beside me with other guys.

of course i know them.

"min yoongi, still here after almost murdering a 3rd year student who's still comatose after 5 months," taehyung joins as they both insulted me. 

"min yoongi! still here after driving a girl to suicide when she was bullied by him." jimin smirks.

"a legend, i must say." namjoon butts in. i looked at them blandly before cursing under my breath, "fuck off." then i walked past them. they followed nonetheless.

"hey, is this how you treat your friends now?"

"yeah, yeah. you influenced us to be like you and then you're gonna leave us hanging? not fair, nah." 

i continued to ignore their voices, inserting my earphones and blasting music on my ears.

people are stupid. sometimes they don't know they're being manipulated--humans are useless if they're not being controlled. to exist is to use or to be used. that's the rule i implemented on myself. to use people, and then break them afterwards.

eventually i was left alone, with my own peace, with myself.

i was sitting on a vacant bench before class since i didn't want to go inside. i always wanted to come in last. 

i raised my fist to look at my bruised knuckles, along with the deep scars on my wrist.

damn, i've come this far, huh?

"can i sit with you? sorry, this is the only bench i'm comfortable with." i quickly put down my arm to see who was the one talking to me. she had her hair length on her shoulder, with a pale pink jacket-- and a warm smile.

her vibrance was making me ashamed of myself. I stared at her for a good second, before looking away.


"All yours." I stood up, my hands in the pockets of my pants.

"Wait-- you don't have to if you dont want t---" And from there, her voice trails off as I walked away from the bench.

stupid fucking optimistic nerd.

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