Chapter 17

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John's POV.

I'm running alongside the road, laughter bubbling out of my mouth as I hear enraged screams behind me. "John I swear to god, that's my ice cream!" Alex shouts, catching up quickly. I take another lick out of the mint chip cone I am holding, which causes Hamilton to shout again. I turn around to mock him while eating more of his ice cream, but his sheer look of terror stops me in my tracks.

I start to turn around to see what is behind me but a rough sack is thrown over my head. I hear a familiar voice whisper, "I told you I'd find you." I feel a slight shiver up my spine as a sharp wail is ripped from Alex. I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head as I struggle towards the sound. His strangled scream is cut short and I hear a sickening thud.

I lurch forward, hands out searching for Alex's comforting embrace and instead I find his unmoving hand. I clutch onto it tightly hoping for any sign of life, but he never gives me a reassuring squeeze back. I feel strong arms grip my shoulder trying to drag me away, I let out a grutle war cry fighting my way back to him. My struggling is futile and I am quickly dragged away.

How could this happen, I was careful. Love made me blind and now I'll never get to eat ice cream with him again. The small box in my pocket is made of lead, my dreams of starting a life with Alex are clouds slipping through my fingers. I didn't even get to say good bye.

My limbs start to go numb as tears leak, unbidden, onto my cheeks as I am pulled away. I can't feel my feet as I stumble along behind whoever is holding me. I feel myself get pushed into a car but can't even find energy to fight.

My silent tears start to get louder as the shock of everything wears off. My face is twisted by grief and my stomach churns. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. It would be less painful if someone set me on fire.

After what feels like hours the car pulls to a stop, I'm dragged out and we are walking again. After a few more minutes of walking I'm thrown to the ground.

"Don't worry, when we are done with you you you'll wish you were dead."

Sorry guys I know it's been a while since I updated and that was kinda short. I would say I'm sorry about the sadness but I'm not really so... Yeah that's all byyyeee.

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