Drea (November 4, 11:27am, Tuesday)
"Drea Matthews!" Drea's assistant principal called out to her from the office. Drea stood up from her seat and followed Mrs.Fulton to her office. As Drea walked in, the familar smell of cinnamon spice hit her nose. She had been in here so often that the smell was regular to her now. She and Mrs.Fulton sat in their chairs, with Mrs.Fulton in her big chair behind her desk and Drea in the small one in the front.
Mrs. Fulton looked down at a slip of paper then back up at Drea. "So let me get this correct, a girl sat in your chair and you told her to get up and she didn't so you dragged her out of the seat?" Mrs.Fulton asked. Drea nodded, "Yes,but everyone knows that I always sit in the back of the class. She knows that."
Mrs.Fulton sighed and typed something in her computer. "Drea, you know I told you that this is your last time but I will give you one more chance. After that, you will be expelled...this time I'm serious." Drea eyes widened, "But Mrs. Ful-..." Mrs. Fulton put her hand up, "No more excuses, Drea. I am giving you a two day suspension, so I will see you on Friday." Mrs. Fulton then handed her a slip of paper her mother had to sign. Drea kissed her teeth then got up from the seat and started to walk out but Mrs.Fulton said something once more. "Drea, I don't understand what has gotten into you but you were always a smart and sweet young lady. Now you've gotten out of hand, why?"
Drea didn't feel like talking about it, so she shrugged and left out the office. She knew why things have been so rocky for her this school year. She really was a sweet young lady. Drea is a junior in high school. Her brother is a senior, he turned 18 last month and Drea is 16 but will be 17 next month. They live with their mother who is now single. Their father left their mother a little earlier this summer. Nothing was more devestating in Drea's life than having her father walk out on her family. That's part of the reason she has been so out of hand.
Drea didn't want to go back to class because she was fairly annoyed. So instead she went inside the girls bathroom. She found an empty stall and pulled out a lighter followed by a blunt. Drea also started to smoke marijuana after her father left. It was a one time thing but she soon got hooked. She lit it and brought it to her lips and inhaled. She slowly exhaled letting it seep from her mouth. Beileve it or not, Drea didn't care she was at school smoking weed. Sometimes she wanted to die. She have had many suicidal thoughts.
After finishing her blunt, she headed to the cafeteria for lunch. She squeezed past through the crowd of rowdy teens and soon spotted her brother, Davon. She was happy that 11th and 12th graders get to eat lunch together. Davon and Drea are close sibilings. Davon was the most popular guy in school. He stood 6 foot tall and 5 inches. He play football, basketball. and run track. Drea wasn't the althletic type but she could dance her butt off!
Drea ran up to Davon and slightly pushed him. "Hey, Davon!" she shouted. Her eyes weren't red but they were low and pinkish. Davon turned around and he immediately knew she been smoking. "Drea! Have you been smoking?" he asked even though he knew the answer. "Yeaahhh!" she laughed falling into a seat. He sat next to her. "Drea stop it! What the hell you doing smoking?" He asked angrily. She shrugged and started playing with her fingers, "I just wanted to...you know I smoke Dee."
He sighed, "It's not good Drea, stop it." He saw his friends approaching and told Drea they'll talk later about it.
"Dee,my man, what's up bro?" One of his friends, Michael aka Tyga, dabbed him up and looked at Drea. "Sup shawt." Michael said to Drea, that was always what he called Drea. Drea simply nodded and smiled, not saying word. Mijo, Michael, Davon and Chris has always been the best of friends for a while.
When Drea laid her eyes on Chris, she immediaetly had the worst feeling in her stomach. Drea hated Chris with a passion, he was a jerk in her eyes. Chris had a thing for Drea though but she wouldn't even go down that path.
Drea and Davon got in Davon's black Porsche in silence. Drea understood where Davon was coming from about not smoking but it was something she got addicted to. Chris and Mijo hopped in the backseat.
"Yo, that girl so fine, I swear!" Mijo exclaimed as he pointed to a girl wearing a hoodie that looked big on her and some light jeans.
"Nigga calm down. You ain't got game anyway." Chris stated with a chuckled.
"Oh please I got game, you don't." Mijo came back and pulled out his phone.
"How about y'all both shut up my little sister is in the car damn!?" Davon shouted in frustration. He was just upset that Drea was smoking again.
"Yo chill man, Drea know us." Chris chuckled, placing a hand on her shoulder from the back seat. Drea rotated her shoulder making his hand fall off and gave him a death glare. He smiled and shook his head as he played on his phone.
Davon stopped at his house and looked at Drea.
"Don't be in there smoking, mom should be in there. I'll see you later." Davon stated. Drea nodded and searched in her purse for the key. As soon as she found it, the door opened and there stood her mother. Drea sighed and walked passed her.
"Wait!" Drea's mother called out to her. Drea stopped turned on her heel and looked at her. "What mom?" she said with attitude.
"Lose your attitude Drea. Why did Mrs.Fulton call me again and told me you been acting up? This is the 4th time you been suspended and school only been in session for four months!"
"Yeah, one time for each month." Drea said as she rolled her eyes. She dugged through her backpack and gave her mother the slip of paper.
"Go upstairs, Drea. Don't come down until I tell you to. This is just too much." Her mother said tearing up.
Drea's mom didn't yell or become that angry because she knew why Drea acted this way. Her mom knew that it had to deal with Drea's father leaving, so she wasn't so hard on Drea.