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In honor of the SIGNAL M/V being released today, here's another chapter!

"Choi Hansol is such a dream boat," Nayeon sighed, leaning against the window of the building.

On the third floor, the family of nine was housed comfortably the biggest room. Dressed in clothes that matched all the other kids', properly bathed and hair combed--no more bird nests--the girls look dramatically different from when they were in the forrest. For the most part, they liked it. Except for Momo, who wanted to 'run freely' in absolutely no clothes. Weirdo.

"Chill, Cougar," Jungyeon said, with a roll of her eyes.

Nayeon shot her friend a look. "I don't want to date him, dummy. I just think he's attractive. Like me," she added, with a flip of her pink hair.

"Sure, you don't," Jungyeon muttered, going back to a magazine she was reading.

Nayeon pouted, going back to looking out the window.

Meanwhile, Dahyun was staring at the clone of herself she crafted, and started doing faces and watching it mimic her, as if she was looking in a mirror with no frame. She remembers the first time she made a clone of herself, freaking all the members out because they saw the clone, and then the real Dahyun. She even remembers Sana fainting, turning invisible as she did so. Nobody was allowed to move for two hours that day, until Sana woke up and made herself reappear.

Dahyun watched as her clone's eyes grew the size of tennis balls, and her mouth was suddenly forced shut. She panicked, emitting muffled screams in a voice that was exactly Dahyun's. All the Korean could do was laugh as the second oldest Japanese appeared behind her clone, giggling.

"I got you, Dahyun-ah!" Sana exclaimed.

"Wrong one."

With a wave of her hand, Dahyun made her clone evaporate into thin air, and Sana shrieked as she fell onto the ottoman that the clone was previously occupying.

"I fail every time," Sana mumbled, not bothering to move.

Jihyo sat in a sofa by the book shelf in the room they shared. She read a book relaxingly, lazily turning the pages whenever she was done. She looked up and let her eyes gaze across the room, counting her members. A frown crossed her face when she sees that one member is still missing.

"Has Chaeyoung-ah not came back yet?" She asked, bookmarking her page.

Momo, who sat in a corner, speedily building and unbuilding sculptures out of legos, paused in what she was doing. "It shouldn't take her this long to get pizza. I hope she's not going to go shop or something. Or buy fruit. I worked too hard to steal that money from those volunteers. Idiots."

"Well, she doesn't have super speed like you," Sana retorted.

"Besides, I thought she was going to steal it with her--" Dahyun started, until Momo interrupted her with "SHH!"

Jihyo rolled her eyes. Many times, she lectured them to not use their powers for bad. Yet, they never listen. Momo continues to steal money, and she sends Chaeyoung--if not herself--out for pizza and/or jokbal. Mainly pizza, since the smell isn't as strong as the meaty goodness Momo loves. The last thing Jihyo wants to happen is for any of them to get caught. It's already hard enough for them to escape.

Once, they attempted to escape Park's Home for Orphans, and got caught by the guards roaming around at night. A few more times, they tried to escape, but always got caught somehow. Whether it be another orphan spotted them, or a guard did. The Head of the orphanage never personally spotted them, but she always fussed at them, saying the world was too dangerous for them, and that they would die.

The only reason Chaeyoung could leave was because she was so small, so she could hide easily, and use her levitating skills to disguise herself. Sana could go out, since she could turn invisible, but she didn't like heights.

Meanwhile, a grumbling Somi was climbing the stairs, listening to the Head woman in charge count in the intercom. They were forced to play hide-and-seek with the kids, no matter how much Somi tried to get out of it. She felt silly as kids rushed past her to find hiding spots.

"This is stupid. I don't want to be here. Why did I come here?"

Then she saw Vernon, shushing kids while giggling as they ran across the hall to another room. Seeing that beautiful smile on his face gave her motivation to stay and look for a good hiding place. Should she follow him? No. It would be awkward, and the room probably didn't have enough hiding places for her tall statue to hide.

She continued down the hall, hearing giggling from kids behind each door. Gosh, she felt so awkward around kids. They just looked at her while she tried to smile and talk to them. It was as if they saw something that she could not, and it sort of annoyed her. So, none of the rooms were an option.

Somi came to the end of the hallway, where a black door was placed, stuck out from the cream-colored doors around it. Something told her to not go through the door, that it was black for a reason. Usually, black anything meant death. But curiosity got the best of her--and her better judgement--and she slowly opened the door. She didn't notice the paper that had fell, stating 'WARNING: DO NOT ENTER' in bold letters.

A small area greeted her, with a door straight across her, and another to her right. They were also painted black. Sunlight shined through the window to her left, making the place not dangerous at all.

But Somi knew something was up. Why were the doors painted black? Was it the area the bad kids went?

Unfortunately, she was out of time to ponder on the situation.

"...Ninety-nine...One hundred! Ready or not, here I come, you little gremlins!"

Somi, not wanting to be in a room full of kids, scurried all the way in the area, before closing the door behind her. She pressed her back against the window, listening to kids below scream as they were being found. She was on the third floor, so it could take a while for the Head woman to get up there.

Kids on her floor were switching rooms, not one even nearing the door Somi was behind. That's when she knew she messed up. That she had to get out of there before she was caught.

"Yah! Chaengie's back with pizza!"

Somi froze. Someone else was on the other side of the door. Perhaps the area she was in was like a little extra room to another part of the home.

More screams were heard, and laughter from the woman that ran the house. They were closer. They were on Somi's floor, and got closer to where she was.

Panicking, she decided if she should stay and get in trouble, or go on through the other door. The second option, oddly, felt more safer, so she quickly slipped inside the room, just as the other door's knob began to turn.

Somi held her breath as she listened intently at what was happening on the other side. The door had opened, and someone--no doubt, the Head woman--was looking around. The clicking noise she heard after a moment relieved her of worries, and she laid her head against the cool wood of the door. As of now, she was safe.

"Yah! Look at the new girl!"

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