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"She's back!"

"How is she back?"

"I thought Nayeon made her forget?"

"Jihyo, something's wrong!"

Somi looked at all nine--ten--girls, nodding her head slowly. She's not sure why they're so shocked to see her. It's not like she could forget something as big as this.

Nayeon took a few steps towards Somi, a look of pure confusion on her face. "I thought I made you forget. How are you still here?"

The younger glanced down at the black wand in Nayeon's hand. "I guess your power doesn't work on me."

Nayeon gasped in shock, then looked down at her wand. "It's never failed me before! Why didn't you forget?"

Jungyeon placed a hand on the oldest' shoulder and massaged it in a soothing matter. "It's okay, Nayeon. Don't stress."

"Don't STRESS? How can I not, when I could have possibly lost my power! What will happen to me?"

"Nayeon, you did not lose your power," Jihyo assure stepping up so she would be the closest to Somi. "Now you, why are you back?"

Somi straightened up her posture, feeling taller than everybody else. Well, almost everybody. Tzuyu was still pretty tall in comparison to her.

"I'm here to know why you're here," Somi confidently replied.

"Nobody's supposed to know we're here," Jihyo pointed out.

"Well, I'm here. And you can't get rid o me so easily. I'm volunteering every weekend, and sometimes after school. So every time I come here, I'm coming straight to this room. So if you don't want to see me almost everyday, I suggest you just tell me everything now."

The girls began whispering to each other, except Jihyo, who had a thoughtful look on her face.

"The headmistress will get mad, Jihyo unnie," Dahyun told her, clone nodding in agreement. "We'll all get in trouble!"

Somi heard this, and smirked even more. This was easier than she thought. She'll soon know why there were teenagers in an orphanage for only children.

"That's a threat!" Nayeon exclaimed.

"Nayeon, it's not--"

"It is! Momo, tie her up!"

Jihyo snapped back into reality as Momo dipped behind one of the couches. "Wait, don't--"

Too late. There was a dark blur, and Somi found herself tied up with rope. Momo smiled at her work as the younger leaned back against the door to prevent herself from falling.

She should've known that they would use their powers against her. It was practically a no-brainer, since Nayeon attempted to the last time she visited. Somi had probably been so focused on getting the information, that she didn't think of any consequences.

"Let me go!" Somi shouted, wriggling in her binding.

"Untie her," Jihyo ordered, looking between Momo and Nayeon.

They had to listen to Jihyo. She was their leader, she was in charge of them. Somi was sure she would be free any second.

But there was an intense staring contest between Jihyo and Nayeon, the latter crossing her arms.


There was a collected gasp among the rest of the group, some covering their mouths. Nobody has ever disobeyed Jihyo's orders before. Except Jungyeon, but it was accepted because she was basically a co-leader, a second-in-command, a co-captain. But Nayeon wasn't either of those. And Somi somehow knew that.

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