Chapter 7: Class time

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~Kitkats P.O.V~


Crap I'm late thanks to these people...

Jal: *Walks out*...... I got my eyes on you..... Demon...

Kitkat: Sure I'm so scared ahhh *Sarcastically*

Eli: Well at least no one else knows... I mean how could it get worse? *Walks out of the gym too*

I don't trust them (Talking about Eli and Jal) if they betray me....... They won't want to come back again.... and Eli... something seems off about them.... they aren't actually human and I know it...

Kitkat: *Walks out of the gym, to walk to class*

(Time skip to class)

Kitkat: *sits down and looks up she sees everyone staring at her* What?

Veronica: *Whispers to Kiki* what kind of person would wear that?

Kiki: *Whispers to Veronica* An idiot

Veronica & Kiki: *Chuckles*

Kitkat: *Thinks* Stupid humans....

Kitkat: Stop looking at me

Jake: Or what your gonna hurt us, pff yeah right

Kitkat: *Gets up and walks to Jake* *She picks them up*

Jake: *Off the ground* UMM! WHATS HAPPANING?!


Kiki: ;-; I take back what I said about her [Now your scared XD]

Kitkat: * Stares into Jakes soul* I can do very scary things.... Don't test me again got that?

Jake: *Nods very scarcely*

Kitkat: Good *Drops them, and walks back to her seat*

Ms.Alice: *Walks in* Hello class! Lets get started on today's lesson!

A/N: I know I haven't posted in a long time and I'm sorry but its school and stuff ok.... But off of that note TYSM [Thank you so much] FOR +100 READS!!! I really appreciate the support!

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