Chapter 8: The lesson

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Ms.Alice: Hello class and todat we'll be learning about Paranormal activity, such as Demons, Poltergeist, Ghosts, Whitches, and more!

Kitkat: *Thinks* This day is just getting worse by the second

Veronica: *Whispers to Y/N* Do you still think she's a demon?

Eli: *Whispers back to person 1* N-no she's not a demon!  W-what are you saying?! That I'm hiding something?! I'm not hiding anything!! *Smiles nervously*

Veronica: Ok then?.....

Kitkat: *Stares at Eli*

Eli: ?

Kitkat: *Looks back at the teacher*

Ms.Alice: Now does anyone know where the belief of paranormal activity came from?

Kitkat: *Looks down* *Thinks* Don't call on me, Don't call on me, Don't call on me, Don't ca---

Ms.Alice: Kitkat! What do you think

Kitkat: *Mumbles* Damn it

Kitkat: They Stared from Ancient Egyptian culture... They're souls or a spirit of a dead animal and human. *Mumbles* Which I'm not

Ms.Alice: Awsome Job, but what was the last thing you said??

Kitkat: I didn't say anything after that

Ms.Alice: Ok, Now does anyone know where Demons and Devils came from?

Kitkat: *Thinks* If She calls on Eli I swear to Satain

Ms.Alice: Eli! What do you think???

Kitkat: *Thinks* Are u freaking serious

~Elis P.O.V~

Eli: *Thinks* Damn it she called on me... What am I supposed to say?!

Ms.Alice: Y/N? Hello?

Eli: UHhHHhh, I'm here!

Ms.Alice: Do you have an answer?

Eli: Yeah, They come from the underworld and they can be sent up here? WHY WOULD THERE BE A DEMON OR DEVIL HERE?! THAT WOULDN'T MAKE ANY SENSE *Laughs Nervously*

Kitkat: *Slams Her face on the desk* Damn your bad at this

Ms.Alice: Actualy There could be a demon or devil among us, they are very good at fitting in.

Kitkat: Yeah but I doubt that there is one, I mean why would there be a demon on this school?

Veronica: She does have a point

Jake: Maybe she is a demon =-= she picked me up and I don't like it

Kitkat: I will do it again if you keep on saying that.

Jake: NO!

Eli: *Thinks* She's able to fit in.... Ms. Alice is right... What if she fits in so well that she becomes a human?...... I don't think that will happen..

A/N: I'm super glad to be back! I missed writing this story And I'm trying to make a new cover for the story! Ill try to post more because I took like a 5 month break. That's all for right now I'll see you all soon!

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