Just everyday stuff

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Nicole's POV

Once Robyn and Tristan had left to go back to the apartment I decided to talk to Alfie. "Alfie" I called out as I wasn't sure where he was. "Nicole" he said back and came in laughing. "Alfie where is your sister?" I ask him. He sighs and sits down running his hand through his hair.

"She thinks she can find dad" he says looking at the floor. "I thought your parents were dead" I say confused. "Nicole there's something I haven't been telling you" Alfie looks up at me and catches my eye for a split second before looking down again. "What?" I ask sitting down next to him.

"My dad didn't work for SOFCC, my mum did but dad never did, he thought what they were doing was wrong and tried to talk my mum out of it" I look at him trying to read his face. "Okay" I say giving him a small smile. "When our parents were trying to stop SOFCC dad wanted to help but there wasn't a lot he could do. So the day our parents died, my dad went missing" I look at him concerned "you don't think he's dead?" I ask.

"I don't know, maybe. Charlie wants him back so she's gone" he sighs deeply and puts his head in his hands "I just got her back, I'm meant to look after her." I sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. He looks up and I kiss him straight away. I feel his arms snake around my waist and we stay there together, just the two of us.

"None of this is your fault gorgeous" I say. He nods, looking down again. I use my finger to push his chin up and lean in to kiss him again. However he just pushes me gently away. He stands up putting me down and walks away. I wait for a couple seconds until he walks back in with a jacket on, opens the door and leaves.

I don't know if I've done anything wrong. I hate when he acts like this, goes into one of his moods. I decide to call Robyn.

"Hey, I literally cannot walk right now" she laughs down the phone. I start to cry and feel my chest burn. "Nicole, what's wrong?" Robyn asks concerned. "Alfie..... walked out........ don't know why..........he's gone" I manage to say through sobs and deep breaths. "I'm coming now" Robyn says putting the phone down.

A couple minutes later there's a knock at the door. I open it expecting it to be Robyn. But it's not.

"Charlie?" I say confused. "Where's Alfie?" She says waking inside. "I don't know" I say and I start crying again. This time Robyn comes to the door and sees my crying and Charlie standing there.

"Who's that?" Robyn asks looking at Charlie confused while walking in. I glance up giving them a half smile "Alfie's sister" I sigh. Charlie gives her a small wave before turning back to me. "What do you mean you don't know where he is?" She asks her eyebrows buried in confusion.

"He just stormed out" I sigh looking down at the floor, which is kinda hard as there is a big bump in the way. Robyn comes and sits next to me and puts an arm over my shoulders.

I hear a quiet ringing noise and I glance up to see Charlie with her phone to her ear. "Hello?" She says and I faintly hear someone say it back. "I'm at your flat" she sighs twiddling her thumb with her free hand. "She's in tears dumbass" Charlie rolls her eyes and looks at me with a smile "yeah well I'd say you were in the dog house big brother" she laughs a little before coming and sitting next to me.

"Just come home idiot" she laughs again before putting the phone down. "Brothers hey" she laughs a little but it makes me think about Jacob.

"Erm I'm gonna go have a shower" I say standing up and brushing off my legs "you know babies make you sweaty" I laugh a little before turning and walking to my bedroom. I sink down onto the bed and sigh. What if he does this when the babies are born? What do I do then? I shake it off and tell myself he won't, he probably just went out to look for Charlie.

I get undressed quickly not liking the feeling of the cold air hitting my body. I slide on my pink dressing gown and walk to the bathroom. As I close the door behind me I hear quiet noises of chatter from the front room. At least Charlie and Robyn are getting on.

The feeling of the hot water running down my body calms me. I do a lot of thinking in the shower and it always makes me feel better. I turn the water temperature down a little before getting out as it's better for your hair apparently. The noise of the shower stops and is replaced by silence.

Maybe Robyn went back to her apartment and Charlie is most likely on her phone like a normal teenager.

I walk back to our bedroom and grab my hairbrush. I pull it through the knotted mess with harsh tugs. Slipping on my pyjamas I hear the front door open and close and heavy footsteps on the wooden floor. Alfie.

I smile to myself but then replace it with a stern look. Be strong Nicole. Sitting down at my dressing table I hear the footsteps stop outside the bedroom door followed with a long sigh. I laugh silently to myself and pick up the hairdryer. It blasts through my hair shielding the noise of the door opening.

When I turn it off I turn to see Alfie leaning against the door frame. He's holding a bunch of red roses in one hand and a bar of galaxy chocolate in the other, he knows me so well. He gives me a sheepish smile and I roll my eyes at him. He takes a couple of steps into the room and I put my hands on my hips. "What do you have to say for yourself?" I ask. "I love you" he says. I sigh and shake my head feeling myself give into him.

I walk over and hug him feeling his warmth surround me. "I got you presents" Alfie says pulling away and handing me the flowers and chocolate. "Thankyou gorgeous" I say going to get a vase for the roses.

"Oh my gosh!" I shout as I start walking to the kitchen. "Alfie!" I shout smiling like a maniac. "What what's wrong what's happened" Alfie asks panicked. "The baby, it just kicked" I smile uncontrollably. "Oh my days" Alfie laughs. "Quick" I say grabbing his hand and putting it against my stomach. We wait a few seconds before I feel it again. "Did you feel that?" I ask him he nods and smiles too.

"Charlie come feel the baby" I shout smiling. Alfie puts an arm over my shoulders while we wait for her to come out her bedroom. However after a minute still nothing. Alfie gives me a confused look before walking over and knocking on the door of the bedroom she was in.

Still nothing.

He opens it and she's not there. I look at him worried and confused. Alfie walks in and finds her bed made with a letter on top of it. He picks it up and reads it aloud.

Dear my favourite niece and nephew "in law"

Thankyou so much for making it so easy to take Robyn and Tyler again. Oh and your sister, Alfie.

You can get them back easy!

All I want is the babies.


Not again!

Yay I wrote a chapter! Whoop! And it's fairly long! Like 1300 words!

Haha love you all lots

Jess xxx

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