A big suprise

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Robyn's POV

I run out of Nicole's room and lean back against the wall. Everything has happened so quickly. Nicole's awake and I might be pregnant. OH MY GOSH I MIGHT BE PREGNANT!!!! I sprint down the corridor and to the pharmacy outside. I grab a pregnancy test and shove the money on the counter and sprint back out.

I make my way through the crowds of people to the toilet.

"Please, please, please!" I whispered.

Oh no.

I slide down the wall and cry. I'm not ready for this I can't do it. I walk out, clutching the test tightly to my chest. I see Tristan running around like a crazy person. He spots me and runs towards me and scoops me up in his arms. I cry more and tug him closer to me. He starts to cry as well.

We pull apart and I show him the test. He gasps and I see tears fall silently down his face. He throws it to the ground and cups my face in his hands. I can't bring myself to look at him.

"Robyn look at me," he says, his crystalline, glistening blue eyes staring right through me making me melt. "I know what you're thinking, you're thinking I'm gonna leave you because your pregnant and that you are going to have to do this all by yourself, but don't think for one second that would ever happen," he says, not breaking eye contact with me once.

"I love you so much Robyn and I'm going to be there for you whenever you need me and I will never ever leave you," he says. I look at him flabbergasted and plunge my lips straight onto his. A burst of passion and calmness sweeps through my body as he pulls me closer to him.

We break apart out of breath and I rest my forehead against his. "Let's go back to Nicole, we can sort this out later ok?" He says, taking my hand in his. I nod and we walk back to Nicole's room, hand in hand.

I rush back in and see Alfie holding her tightly. We all sit down on her bed and look at each other. "Lots have happened since you have been asleep," I say breaking the tension. "Oh my gosh my children are they ok?" Nicole says in realisation. I run out and ask her nurse if Nicole can see them. She says yes sweetly and hands me Maddison and Harrison who are sleeping peacefully.

I walk back into her room with them in my arms. As soon as she sees them she starts to cry and puts her hand over her mouth. I give them to her and she pulls them close to her. I can see a massive smile spread across her face as tears fall down her cheek. "They are beautiful and they look just like you," she says to Alfie. He walks over to her and wraps his arms around her and his children.

For once the world seemed perfect and all the bad things happening seemed to slip out of my mind. I watch Nicole and Alfie and their family together I smile. Tristan puts his arm around me and whispers "do you want to tell them?" "I don't know I don't want to ruin their moment," I say. "But I don't want to keep it from them either," I say. Tristan smiles and kisses me softly on the cheek.

I walk over to them and they embrace me into a hug. Tristan soon joins us and we stay there for a while. "Guys me and Tristan need to tell you something," I say nervously. Nicole gives me a small nod because she knows what I'm about to say. "I-I'm pregnant," I say. "What!!" Alfie shouts. "Yeah I know I wasn't going to tell you because I didn't want to ruin your moment with Nicole or anything," I say but Alfie and Nicole just pull me and Tristan into a massive hug. "That's amazing I can't believe it!!!" They scream.

I was so surprised I at how well they reacted. I was freaking out. There's no way I am ready to be a mum. What if I drop it? What if they don't like me? What if something happens to Tristan? These thoughts whirled around in my mind as the realisation hits me.

How am I going to do this? I just start to cry. They all release their hold on me and their faces fall. "I-I can't do this, I'm not ready," I say. Tristan holds me and Nicole says, "Robyn listen to me it's gonna be ok we are all going to be here to help you just like you all helped me ok?"

"D-does it hurt?" I ask quietly. "Like hell," she says and I laugh. "But you will get through it and I'll be right beside you," she says. "So will I," Tristan says.

SOFCC POV: Nicole's Aunt
"We have got them," a voice came through the walkie talkie. "Excellent," I beamed. They weren't getting away from us that quickly. They don't know this was our plan all along. Finally we have them all together and the children. Once we get rid of the children and their powers everything will be back on track and once we have done that.

There's no stopping us.

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