Chapter 35

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The next couple of weeks were spent doing anything and everything Sofia wanted to do, from the zoo, to watching the ferry boats, playing in the park, hanging out with Bailey and Zola, the aquarium. Arizona was even convinced by her daughter to take her up to the top of the space needle, having faced her fear with Eliza, she handled the height much better the second time around.

Unfortunately before Arizona knew it, it was nearly time for Sofia to return to New York and finish school for the year.

The evening before she had to leave Arizona decided that they should go for pizza and ice cream with Eliza. Sofia already loved her mommys new girlfriend a lot, but Eliza had been at work almost constantly whilst she was in town and hadn't been able to spend much time with them both.

The morning before Sofia left, Arizona got up and woke Sofia up.

"Come on little bug, time to make some breakfast." Arizona urged soothingly. Her daughter was definitely not one for being woken up.

"Ugh mommy, too early!" Sofia complained, causing Arizona to playfully roll her eyes, she was 100% Callies daughter!

"Hey, beautiful girl, it's 8am already. And if you want pizza and ice cream with Eliza later, you better get up and have some breakfast!" And like that Sofia shot out of bed, suddenly very awake and lively like any 6 year old girl!

Grabbing her mommys hand, Sofia pulled her out of her room and towards the stairs.

"Come on Mommy. Breakfast."

Arizona smirked to herself. She was amazed at how quickly her daughter could become demanding when she set her mind to it. When she knew what she wanted, just like her Mama.

"Ok, Sofia you go ahead and find the ingredients for pancakes and I'll be down in a second ok?"

"Ok Mommy, be quick!" Sofia urged.

"I will."

Arizona watched Sofia down the stairs and quickly returned to her room to message Eliza about tonight's dinner plans.

AR: So little lady wants pizza and ice cream with you tonight. Are you in? Xx

Putting her phone in her robe pocket Arizona then headed downstairs to see what her daughter had collected for breakfast.

Arizona walked into the kitchen to find a pile of ingredients on the kitchen side and Sofia looking particularly please with herself.

"So what have we got then Sof?" She asked her daughter.

"Ummm flour, eggs, milk, bananas, chocolate chips and cheese."

"Sof, that's a strange mix for pancakes, u want cheese with banana and chocolate?" Arizona asked.

"Uh huh, Eliza did it for me last week."

"Ok, if that's what you want peanut, we will give it a go!" Arizona couldn't believe how quickly Sofia had taken to her girlfriend. The woman she loves. He daughter amazed her, she was so accepting of so many things.

Sofia and Arizona enjoyed their pancakes then prepared for a day in the park with Zola, Bailey and Ellis before their pizza and ice cream date with Eliza later that evening.

Quickly checking her phone, once she was ready to head out, Arizona noticed Eliza hadn't text her back. Assuming she was in surgery, the blonde decided not to think about it just yet and headed to Meredith's house to meet her and the kids, before going to the park.

By mid afternoon the kids were all exhausted from running around, as were Arizona and Meredith.

Arizona had been periodically checking her phone all day, waiting for Eliza to confirm tonight was ok. As it was 3pm and Arizona still hadn't heard anything she was starting to get worried.

"Hey Mer, mind if we make a quick stop at the hospital on the way back?" The blonde asked her friend.

"Of course not, everything ok?" Meredith questioned.

"I'm not sure, I haven't heard from Eliza all day, I'm just a little worried, she's been having a tough time lately." Meredith was surprised by what Arizona was saying. Eliza was always so calm and pulled together, how could she be having a rough time?

The two women drove to the hospital in silence. Neither having anything to say. Arizona was clearly getting more and more worried by the second though.

Pulling into the parking lot, Arizona couldn't see Eliza's car parked in its usual spot. Suddenly she felt even more worried about her girlfriend.

"I'm going to run in quickly and speak to Bailey. Are you ok to wait a minute?"

"Yeah sure, go find out what's going on." Meredith urged.

Arizona nearly ran into the hospital, quickly making her way up to the chiefs office. Knocking gently before Bailey called back to her to come in.

"Hey Bailey, have you spoken to Dr. Minnick today?" Arizona questioned.

"Yes Robbins, she rang this morning, said she was sick and she wouldn't be in today. Why do you ask?" Bailey was concerned as to why Arizona would be asking if she had spoken to her girlfriend.

"I haven't heard from her, I was worried." Arizona replied, now feeling even more nervous about where Eliza was.

"She is probably just sleeping if she's sick." Bailey said, trying to reason with Arizona's fears.

"Mmmm you're probably right. Thanks Bailey." Arizona said before quickly leaving the chiefs office and heading back to Meredith's car.

Once back at the car, Meredith drove them back to her house so Arizona could pick up her car and take Sofia home to bed for an hour before dinner.

The whole way home, Arizona couldn't seem to shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. Even if Eliza was sick, surely she would have text her? Arizona was torn, she wanted to make sure her girlfriend was ok, but she also didn't want to leave her daughter with someone on her last day in Seattle.

Sofia was currently fast asleep on the sofa, so Arizona decided to have a sly cigarette in the back garden to try and calm her nerves, it was too early in the day for wine, and she would have to drive later, so decided the cigarette was a better option at present. Because she was getting increasingly worried about her girlfriend, Arizona made the decision to text her again and ask if she was ok whilst having her cigarette.

AR: Eliza, I spoke to Bailey, I know you're not in work. I'm worried about you, let me know you're ok please? I love you xxxxx

Locking her phone and putting it in her pocket, Arizona felt it vibrate so instantly pulled it back out, seeing she had a message from Eliza.

EM: I'm fine. No beed to worrry babe xxx

Reading Eliza message, she already knew Eliza wasn't ok, she was drunk, and she only drank to the point she couldn't type properly when something was bothering her.

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