Chapter 1

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- Rose's POV -

Watch where you're going, Bitch.
No one wants you here, Rose.
Move. You're in my way, Bitch.
No one likes you.
You're a loner.

These are only a few of the sentences I hear on a daily basis.

I understand that being bullied sometimes is just what high school students go through, but I never thought it would be this bad.

I get bullied everyday.
No one cares.

My parents occasionally ask me how it's going but usually they just assume that I'm doing well.

I don't have a best friend; I don't even have a friend. Sure there are five or so people that I talk to in my classes, but no one who truly cares; no one to give me the attention I crave.

All I want is someone to ask me how I am; someone who goes about their day and spares a second to wonder if I'm okay.

These exact thoughts are what lead me to create a profile on a chat room.
I scroll through the website, entering my details everywhere required.

Name: Rose

Surname: Doyle

Username: 1Drosedoyle

Birthday: 9 October

Age: 17

Likes: One Direction; sleep; food; rain.
Dislikes: Bullies; bugs; peas.

Checking once again that I entered everything, I scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Submit' button.

A notification pops up, telling me that I was successful in creating my profile.

Looking for a new profile picture, I start scrolling through the picture library on my laptop but soon I get distracted and completely forget about my profile.

- Harry's POV -

"C'mon, Haz. We need to get to the hotel, then you can chill and do whatever." My best mate, Louis, tells me as I try building up the courage to exit the car.

"Fine. But I take absolutely no responsibility for what I do to the fucking paparazzi." I reply to him, tired of being lashed at by people who don't even know me.

"You'll be okay, mate. Let's go." He says and soon we're walking to the lobby, cruel sentences being yelled at me from all directions.

"Harry! How does it feel being called a womanizer?" I hear from my left.

Fucking shit to be honest. I reply in my head.

"Harry! Is it true you are dating 39 year old, Anne Kruger?"

Who the hell is Anne Kruger?

"Mr. Styles! Any comment on being the biggest player in a boy band?"

Yes. I'm not a damn player! i haven't even had a real girlfriend in two years!
These paparazzi have absolutely no idea what it's like to get yelled at like this. I have to take all the shit they throw at me, all while keeping a million dollar smile on my face.

No one truly understands what it's like.

No one truly understands me.

Finally I make it to the safety of my room, Louis entering behind me.

The rest of the guys are off, visiting families, but Louis and I returned a day earlier to finish recording vocals for a new song.

"Mate, I got a brilliant idea." Louis informs me, excitedly bouncing on the couch which he just planted himself on.

"What?" I ask, grumpy from the encounter.

"I think you should find a girlfriend. A nice one-" he starts but I am quick to object.

"No, yo-" I start but he interrupts me.

"Shut up. You should get a nice girlfriend, and I know just where you can find one." Louis says.

Intrigued by the idea, I remain silent and nod for him to continue.

"My cousin met his fiancé on this website; it's basically a big chat room type of thing. It displays a list of people online, then browse through the profiles, and talk to whom ever catches your eye. We can even create a fake profile for you so the fans don't catch on. There are many fish in the sea you know. Your fish might just be on this very website. " He says.

I sit in silence for a moment, thinking about his idea.

"Where's my laptop?" I ask, determined to find a new friend or girlfriend or fish or whatever.

Minutes later I am filling in the information required.

Name: Harold

Not very creative but good enough.

Surname: Black

Black is cool. I like it.

Username: Harold17
I like the number 17.

Birthday: 1 February
I will not lie about my birthday.

Age: 19
Soon turning 20.

Likes: One Direction; singing; rainy days.
Just because I can.

Dislikes: Peas; paparazzi.

"Now just click 'submit', and we should be good to go." Louis says, and I do so.

"Well, Harold Black, it's time for you to start scrolling and find a lady." Louis encourages and I shoo him out of my room so I can go about this peacefully.
Amanda69. Something tells me she isn't exactly looking for a friend to talk with...

ZoeG:). The smiley face is just too cheery.

Jake007. I want a girl. Not a guy.

1Drosedoyle. A One Direction fan, huh? I like her name. Rose...

I click on her profile and read through her dislikes. Like me, she doesn't have a lot of things listed but she seems interesting.

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