Chapter 10

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- Harry's POV -

She walked away.

She just walked away.

I have no idea what I even expected her to do but walking away definitely didn't cross my mind.

Too dumbfounded by her reaction, I didn't even go after her.

How am I supposed to get hold of her now?

She sure as hell won't be answering my calls or text or anything for atleast a while.


Way to go Harry.

Let the one girl who actually means something slip away because I lied to her.

What a wonderful person I am.

"Hey mate. How'd it go?" Liam asks me as I join the resy of the guys who were gathered in mine and Niall's hotel room.

I groan and flop face first on the bed.

"That bad, huh? What happened?" Niall asks, patting my back.

"She walked out. She's beyond pissed at me." I say and I see Zayn, unable to keep back a smile.

"What did you expect her to do? Jump into you're arms because you're Harry Styles? I told you from the start she's different." Zayn says as he catches on to me staring at him.

I let out a sigh because he is telling the absolute truth.

"Ughh. How am I going to get her to talk to me now?" I wonder out loud when Louis comes up with an idea.

"Call her from my phone. She won't recognize the number so maybe she'll pick up?" he offers and I sit up, thinking about it.

"She is goign to hang up as soon as she hears it's me." I say, falling back down again.

"Then you better talk fast before she hangs up. Here's my phone." Louis says, and they all stare at me untill I dial her number.

"Hello?" I hear her soothing voice answer.

"Please hear me out?" I immediately ask and she sighs.

"Why, Harold? Harry, sorry." She says, correcting her error.

I hate that I lied to her.

"Because I like you, and I want you to like me too but for being Harry and not Harold. I'm exactly the same guy you've talked to these past weeks, my names just Harry Styles and not Harold Black." I say and she stays quiet which I asume is her urging me to explain further.

"I started talking to you because I wanted someone to know me for who I really am and not just for who they think I am. I decided to change my name because I know the fans would go crazy and I really like you so can we please go on a date?" I say, blurting the last part out without even realising what I'm saying.

"Sure." She says much to my surprise and just as I'm about to say something she starts talking.

"But if you ever lie to me again I swear I will never ever talk to you again. I hate being lied to." She says and I nod furiously even though she can't see me.

"That sounds fair. We're not aloud to leave the hotel tomorrow, so would you like to meet me here for dinner tomorrow night?" I ask, and she agrees, moments later saying goodbye.

"So?" Niall asks and a big smile breaks out across my face.

"I've got a date tomorrow night." I say and they all start hollering things and tackling me.

I hope everything goes well.

The night of our date, I'm hanging around the entrance to the fancy restaurant as I'm waiting for Rose.

I keep fidgiting with my tie and once I decide to finally let go, I look up to see the most beautiful girl making her way over to me.

"Hi." She nervously says and I let out a breath.

Thank god I'm not the only nervouse one.

Dinner flies by and suddenly it's time for me to walk her back to the hotel entrance since I can't exactly walk her to her car.

"Thank you for an amazing night, Rosy." I tell her and her cheeks turn red, making the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

"Thank you, Harry. We should do it again some time." She tells me, and I nod.

We definitely will.

We stare at eachother for a few more seconds before I start leaning in.

The moment our lips touch was amazing. It can't even be described.

I feel so save being in her arms, yet like a hero at the same time for having her in mine.

Rose is amazing and so is our first kiss.

Internet Fishing (A Harry Styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now