Chapter Fourteen

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A/N Something sweet as an apology for the late update! I've been super busy this weekend...anyhow, here's Fourteen! Vote, comment, and share! :) -L

"GOOD DAY, YOUR LORDSHIP." THE GUARD DID NOT BOTHER ENQUIRING after his business or offering to give directions. All of Emmett's visits were for his sister, and he had long memorised the route to her study with the number of trips he had taken to it.

    A curt nod was offered in response as Emmett rode on his horse past the palace gates and to the front courtyard. He dismounted and handed the reins to an approaching footman, then jogging up the steps in the direction of his sister's father study. He would surely find her there; it was where she spent all her time.

    Much to his surprise, he found it empty.

    He left the room, pausing in the hallway as he tried to decide where to proceed to next to seek her. Fortunately for him, a passing maid noticed him and his befuddled expression, and kindly stopped to help.

    "Your Lordship. Her Royal Highness is in a conference with His Royal Highness Prince Alexander and a number of lords," she said.

    "Do you know how long she will be?"

    She paused to think. "Not long now, Sir, perhaps another ten or so minutes."

    "I see. Have her meet me in the rose garden, will you?"

    "I will convey the message to her lady-in-waiting, Your Lordship."

    "Thank you." He nodded in appreciation, and she curtsied hurriedly before continuing down the corridor. He began on his way to the rose garden, strolling in the opposite direction. He allowed himself to go slowly, admiring the grandeur of the palace. Floorboards were crafted of the finest wood and polished to perfection, gleaming in the light of the chandeliers overhead. There was a mural painted on the ceiling overhead, telling awe-inspiring legends of kings and queens past. The walls were painted a light cream colour, adorned with gold sconces holding unlit candles. To his left were a line of doors, all exactly the same size, shape, and colour, made of wood similar to the kind used for the flooring, only unpolished and half a shade lighter. There were no labels on any of the doors, and Emmett wondered in awe how on earth the servants and royals of the palace differentiated between all the rooms. Perhaps he would ask his sister later.

    His sister...He chuckled. Given her character, he was sure that she did not think much of living in the palace. Surely she would have gawked when she first arrived to visit the Queen for tea so many months ago, for it truly was stunning, but living here...she was never a woman who needed luxury in her life. It amused him somewhat how the woman chosen to marry the prince and take on his opulent lifestyle was one of the few women in the realm who would not appreciate it.

    Victoria Arden, on the other hand... he allowed himself a sardonic chuckle. She would love a life like this.

    He never expected, just a few minutes after bearing such a thought, that he would encounter the chocolate-haired lady herself.

Emmett Lockhart was only about three dozen paces away from the rose garden when he came face to face with her – it all happened so suddenly and so shockingly he was nearly knocked off his feet. He was looking forward to seeing his sister under amicable circumstances, for he did love her deeply regardless of his own hidden intentions and the foolishness from which they stemmed.

    And then he saw her.

    He froze at first. He watched her eyes widen in terror and her hands tighten over one another. Surely it was a trick of the light. What business might she have in the palace, in the home of a princess who hated her so?

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