Chapter 16

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I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Are you being completely serious right now?" I questioned, dumbfounded at his reaction.

He crossed his arms over his chest, "Actually, I am being serious right now. Now answer my question, is Jayce involved-"

I immediately cut his sentence off, "No! He isn't involved or was involved with any illegal activities! Why would you even think that Cameron?"

He huffed out a breath, "Because Alex, he's been calling this house for who knows how long? What the hell does he even want from us?"

Why is he getting so caught up with this? This situation doesn't even involve us, for all I know Jayce's father could be calling up here just to speak to our parents. Maybe in some alternate universe, our parents and Jayce's father became friends. Who knows?

In all seriousness, I literally had no idea why this bothered him so much. I understand that he wasn't Jayce's biggest fan, but I was so confused as to why he was so worked up about this.

I threw my hands up in frustration, "Does it really matter why Mr. Reynolds has been calling here? Maybe he's the one who needs the legal help Cameron. Either way it's none of our business, so just drop the subject, my God."

"I can't drop the subject Alex."

"Why not?" I retaliated.

He groaned, shooting up from the office chair, "Because I may know more than you think about the Reynolds family!"

For a moment, the atmosphere in the room became calm. The only sound radiating off the walls was Cam's breathing.

What possible secret could Cam come across about Jayce's family?

I ran my hands through my hair, "Why do you even care?"

I noticed his jaw tense up, and his hands ball up into fists, "Just forget it, I'm probably just overreacting."

Before I even had a chance to stop him, he rushed out of my room, slamming the door in the process.

I am seriously tired of all the secrets around here.

First at school, then here.

I know that secrets are meant to be kept from the public, but I feel like all these secrets are somewhat connected to each other. Each secret seems like it's dangling itself in front of me, waiting for me to grab onto it and discover its dark details.

Roaming through the hallways, I scanned each corridor for the one person I was searching for. I averted my eyes towards any boy within a ten feet radius, with brown eyes, and similar colored hair, who happened to find me all the time, but I guess the tables have turned on me.

Ugh, why is it so difficult to find one person in this school?

I made sure to get to school extra early just to talk to him.

As I rushed down the halls, a pair of hands in grasped my shoulders, halting me to a stop, "Woah, slow down there hotshot," I was completely unexpected to see Jayce was the one who stopped me, I guess we got over the whole, "I don't speak or interact with you in public" thing.

I sent him a closed lip smile, looking around his standing figure for his best friend.

"What's got you so worked up?" He questioned out of curiosity.

This really did leave me shell-shocked because we've never had such a normal conversation together at school (more like in public).

I couldn't help but notice that the hallway we were in was completely vacant.

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