Chapter 22

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"You are the person I care so much about, and still do by the way."

The feelings mutual Alex. She cares about me, Alexandria Simmons cares about me.

Should I head down to the school's football field and walk off pumping my fist in the air?

Breakfast Club references are always the best references.

I stared at her, dumbfounded as to why she chose now to tell me. Why she chose my brother's hospital's room to tell me that she did indeed care for me like I cared for her?

I opened my mouth to reveal to her that I too cared about her, probably way more than she cared about me, but someone interrupted, how coincidental.

"Jason, what the hell happened to him?"

I looked in the direction of the door to see my father, in all his glory. The suit he wore was tailored to fit him, yet it made me cringe at how formal looking he looked. I mean we're at a hospital for crying out loud.

I noticed Alex's confused expression when my father called me Jason, I scowled whenever he used my legal name to sound more professional, as if I were one of his business clients.

I glanced towards the doctor, but unfortunately I hadn't even noticed that he had left.

Jacob was just lying on the bed, watching some show that was on the TV hung up on the wall.

"Why don't you just ask him yourself?" I said, trying to hide my rude tone, but failed miserably.

He glanced around the dull room in disgust, scowling at the simple and plain beddings of the hospital bed. He then noticed Alex, who was sitting right beside me. His face went blank as he addressed her, "And who might this young lady be?"

She then stood up and offered him a hand, "I'm Alexandria Simmons, it's really nice to meet you sir."

I stifled a laugh when she said sir, what a kiss ass

My father shook her hand firmly, having a look of recognition on his face, "Simmons? Ah, your Matthew and Lauren's daughter, along with your brother Cameron, am I correct?"

She nodded with a tight-lipped smile on her face.

He gave her an approving look, which I was glad for. Not that I cared about my dad's opinion on the girl I liked, but if he liked her, it'd be easier to have her around him without any tension, besides the obvious tension there is between him and I.

He then turned towards Jacob, who was now eating a cup of jell-o nonchalantly, as if nothing had occurred, "So how did this happen?"

"I ran into a pole," he answered with a mouth full of gelatin, not bothering to glance away from the TV.

My dad's face twisted into some angry looking one, kind of like the Hulk, well that was what it looked like to me, "How can you be so stupid Jacob? A pole, really? Do you know how much money this will cost me?"

I scoffed, placing the now empty cup down, "As if you of all people need help with money right now." 

He shot me a cold look, silently telling me to shut it, "I don't care about your opinion Jason. As of now, all I'm concerned about is the fact that your little brother was stupid enough to run into a damn pole! Don't you have any common sense Jacob?"

Alex looked a bit awkward, shifting from each foot, "Uh, I apologize for interrupting, but I think should get back to my friend."

She grabbed the two cans of soda that she bought, and made her way towards the door but not before bidding us a goodbye, "It was nice meeting you Mr. Reynolds. I hope you get better Jacob, and I'll see you around Jayce."

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