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Readers POV:

"...Open your eyes..."

It was cold, dark, alone. I had no idea where I was, slowly slipping back into consciousness, I grasped my head and looked around. There next to me I saw another body, more importantly, another person, odd enough he seems familiar. As he rose, he notices me, then turns and walks towards the small glowing ancient object, once activated, a voice was heard throughout the room.

"That, is a Sheikah Slate. Take it. It will help guide you after your long slumber."

We both exit the room, four chests are seen, after opening them, we are given clothing and I rush to put them on. Once this task was completed the two of us walked to the large closed door, placing the sheikah slate on the pedestal, causing the door to open, revealing a blinding light.

"Link... (Y/N)... You are the light- our light- that must shine upon Hryrule once again. Now, go..."

Without questioning, we both made our way out the Shrine and into the new world. "Such beauty", you said as you gazed upon the large grassy area, receiving a small nod from the blonde boy. After walking down the large hill, passing the trees and tripping over rocks, you both were met with a strange cloaked man sitting by a fire. After asking questions and receiving information, describing Hryule Kingdom as a worn down site, sad. After seeing the temple you suddenly become dizzy and thrown into a daze, suddenly remembering something.


"What a beautiful sight the kingdom is, a pity that we must depart", you said as you took one last final look at the Kingdom you've come to love.

"Why yes but it is our duty to make sure that all of Hyrule and the world is safe from calamity Ganon, or have you forgotten our purpose (Y/N)", Revali stated as he landed beside me, mimicking my pose to mock me even further.

"Revali, quit teasing (Y/N), we were all chosen as champions for a reason, which makes her as worthy of this task as you are" Mipha stated as she sent a small smile my way. I nod as thanks, while Revali just lets out a gruff.

Back to Reality:

"Are you alright child?" The old man asked.

"Yes just remembered something is all, now let's be off ". With link already acquiring the paraglider, we made our way towards the depths of the field, this is where the adventure truly begins. 

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