Part 7

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Lucy: " Ugh! is it me or is it that there's something on my bed......"

Natsu: "Lucy , I love you ....... muacks!"👄

Lucy: "hehe! Natsu your so cute when you sleep......"

Lucy : " haizzz time for me to pay the rent again....... I better get more jobs ......."

Lucy: Natsu ! wake up! I'm out of money....... let's go get some jobs together!"

Natsu yawns and nodded his head....

" What????!! 100,000,000,000 jewels!!!! we'll be rich!...... what job is that? huh???? Finding zeref ......??? why only finding not killing??? anyways Natsu let's go for it!"

" He's dangerous Lucy ! did you forget he can control people?"

" It's alright I prepared for this errand........ hehe! " (smirks)

😨" Lucy what are you thinking????"

😋"it's nothing......"

Next day .........

"Ugh! I hate trains........."

"Come on how could a man like you be so weak on rides?"

" That's cause I'm a dragon slayer......." (pukes a load of shit....)

"Phew! we've reached ........ now all we have to do is to find zeref I guess? "

" I got a bad feeling ....."

" Whoah!!! this is the cave of the underworld? awesome! it's my first time seeing it......."

" Lucy! don't wander so far!"

"hahaha! I can't believe you came to find me because of a job a guild setted to kill me ......."

" Zeref! what do you mean! A guild???"

" Mermaid heels have you heard of this guild??? it seems they want to kill me however that is if they can......."

" Mermaid heels.... I 've heard of that guild name before ........"

" Ha! I knew this would work after all ....... Fairytail's Lucy is very connected to zeref ..........."

" What about the reward ......??? I mean we found him after all so I think we deserve the reward "......

" We've already sent you the reward...... you are not needed anymore!"

" Oi ! where do you think you're going!"

"I have no time to play with you!"

After 5 mins of fighting ,

" Ugh! we lost? its impossible !"

" Yay! Natsu we're rich! come on let's go back home! "

"Yeah! I'm dead beat........!"

" I want to feast .........."

"It's been so long since I've went home.... what could have changed?"

To be continued......

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