me: OMG lastiles nite was soooo romantic
sourwolf: you liked it....
me: ugh bc getin serenaded in the moonlite ISNT instantly romantic
sourwolf: i was just making sure
me: is some1 insecure....?
sourwolf: no im not
me: it was actually a question
sourwolf: well no im answer your question
me: waz rong wit u
sourwolf: i miss my lil lamb
me: do u wanna cum ovr
sourwolf: yes i really do
me: so get ovr here
sourwolf: can do red
me: red?
sourwolf: because of the red hoodie....that is why i call you red riding hood
me: iz that my name on ur phone
sourwolf: actually, it is
me: whatevr....cum on ovr
sourwolf: ok